Chapter 3: Bittersweet Blessings

 Where to start? I guess chronologically. 

Oh actually! I totally neglected to let everyone know that Sister Harvey and I were asked to be STL's (Sister Training Leaders) on like our second day! I'm so so grateful we had that opportunity to serve the Sisters in our Branch. I honestly love it and being able to serve so many Sisters.
I guess I'll start with Friday. It was a typical day of epic classes and lots of growth. We played volleyball as a district, that was so much fun. I absolutely love volleyball, and even Sister Harvey is starting to really enjoy it! I was super high energy that evening and was having little dance parties with Sister Stock on the court and talking in a southern accent. It was awesome. 
Saturday the homesickness finally hit me. Especially in morning class. We did an activity where everyone wrote their names on a paper and we passed them around, writing gifts they have and other things about that person on their papers. Someone on my paper said I was like an older sister, and that totally made me cry. I miss my brothers so much. I love you crazy goofballs.❤❤❤
It was also our last day of classes so the oncoming goodbyes loomed over us as well. A couple other things were also bringing me down and I was just struggling. Our District Leader noticed during dinner and said we'd talk later. Right after dinner we all went to play volleyball again. I for sure had lots of fun, but didn't have nearly as much energy as the day before though. I was much more mellow. Anyways, he checked on me that evening and we talked. I have so much appreciation for my DL. He is a really good person. He helped me realize a few things I'd kinda forgotten, and said the exact things I needed to hear. I'm really grateful for him. And for all the Elders and Sisters. They're all wonderful and such Christlike people. They've all heavily influenced my testimony and added to my joy so much this past week and a half.
I'm realizing that even when I'm serving others and checking in on them and their physical/emotional/spiritual well being, I need to find a balance and also care for myself in those ways. So that's something I'll be working on.
Sunday was super bittersweet. It was the day before almost all our district would leave for the fields. The theme for the Go and Do this week was "Faith in Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice." It was really good. I was able to find some peace and comfort during our personal pondering time. I invite you, if your heart is troubled and heavy, to pray to God and ask for forgiveness and peace. You will find He is ready to give that peace to you; and your relationship with Heavenly Father and Christ will strengthen as you lean on Them.
That evening though, is one of the most special evenings I've ever experienced. Each Sister had asked an Elder earlier in the week if he would give her a Priesthood Blessing that night. I am incredibly grateful for their worthiness to hold the Priesthood and readiness to give us blessings. The Spirit that night was undeniable. It was such a powerful and tender moment to experience with my district.
After blessings the Elders walked us Sisters back to our building and we said our goodbyes. I hope to see every one of these beyond wonderful people again. 
Monday we got up waaaay early, (like 3am), so we could go outside and wave to the Elders as they headed out, then we helped two of our Sisters take their bags down and gave them hugs before sending them off on their way too. 
Monday kinda totally sucked. The District went from 14 people down to 4. It felt lonely at the mtc, plus we didn't have classes. It's been kinda a hard day.
Also, Sister Stock, the Sister who would have mini dance parties with me, messed up her knee like four days ago and has been having a hard time with it since. I went with her to get it checked out. That took a loooong time. We went to the medical center in the mtc, then they sent us to the student health center across from the mtc, and she has to go back Tuesday morning to meet with another person. She's got a brace now, and hopefully that'll help.
Tuesday! Last day at the MTC!!! Literally INSANE to think about. I swear I just got here. But I'm at that point where I've done all I can here and I'm ready for that next bit of uncomfortable. 
We went to the Temple again this morning as a district. Well, the four of us left at least. We've affectionately named ourselves the "leftovers". The Temple was great, as always, and it was a good way to start the day. Now it's just time for cleaning and packing and maybe some other little things throughout the day. 

Dinner with just us four leftovers and an empty table.

My flight is tomorrow morning at 8:10am. So I'll be leaving the MTC at 4:30am! So peace out Utah! Can't wait to see the beautiful green lands of South Carolina! Sweeeet Caroline--a-a-aaaaa! 

Pics with the MTC Murals

Elder Hunter's drawing of our district's missions.

Disciple"ship". Called to cry..... Repentance. 


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