Chapter 5: The Holy Ghost

I'm still in disbelief on how missionary time works. So much happens in one week it's honestly hard to keep track of. I'll probably have to look through my journal or area book to keep things straight. 

Anyways! Let's start with the random tidbits! We usually get back to the apartment around 9-9:30pm. And one night we were kinda just chilling in the front room, Sis Harris was colouring in a Pearl of Great Price colouring book, and we somehow ended up in a highlighter throwing war, which turned into juggling them and mini oranges. And we ended the night with some garlic bread!👌🔥
I'm really starting to enjoy working out in the mornings. I just need a routine, so if any of y'all have a good routine send it my way!!
Okay, not so fun stuff now. This week I had like these headaches that lasted all day. They weren't super bad but it was annoying and exhausting. Also, sleep has been hard some nights. But I'm still making it through the day, just pushing on. Gotta share Jesus.💪💪
We had a district p-day today! We went to the Cypress Gardens. It was supposed to be in the 80's, but it's been raining all day. We had a picnic lunch together, and they do a little "spotlight" on someone in the district. Guess who it was? Twas me. So they gave me some Pringles and it turned into a compliment fest. Was a bit awkward to sit through, but also I honestly really appreciated it at the same time. Everyone's just been hitting hard on my love language, which is nice tbh. Anyways, after lunch we walked around, checked out their aquarium/reptile house. Then all eight of us hopped on a lil boat and paddled through the bayou! It was so fun! Super cold and wet though. It was awesome! Really enjoyed that.

Now to the Spiritual stuffs. I'm learning that missionary work would be impossible without the guidance of the Holy Ghost. We have been led to people who need to hear our message, guided through lessons on what to teach and what to say. As well as guided in our planning and personal/comp study. It's amazing. I honestly don't know how to describe it other than being overcome with the Spirit. I'm just so full of joy and hope and I need to share it and testify of Who my joy comes from.
We had a lesson with a lady we met in our apartment complex. We planed to teach her the Restoration because of our conversations from when we met her. But as we were talking with her at the beginning if the lesson the Holy Ghost made it clear we needed to tell her about the Plan of Salvation. So we switched gears and it was just... beautiful. I think the lesson we had with her is one of the most powerful lessons I've been in. The Spirit was strong. I was in awe watching her find answers and comfort during our lesson. Everything just clicked with her. I could see the relief and peace that washed over her with each topic we testified of. There is no way that lesson would have as well or been as powerful as it was if we weren't following the Holy Spirit.
A mission is sacred time. And I will do everything in my power to honor that and be a virtuous disciple of Christ.
If you haven't felt the Holy Ghost recently in your life, I invite you to pray and ask for the guidance and comfort he can bring into your life. And remember to look for the fruits of the Spirit.
Galatians 5:22-23
Love y'all, stay safe,
-Sister Ray

Aahhh! Here's a few other Spiritual moments I forgot to include! (And pictures).
We had Zone Conference this week, and we all go together and talked about our baptism goals for this month. And my area has the goal to invite/put 4 people on date this month. Our Zone also does this thing called Holy Ghost invites where we go off as a companionship for a little bit and we pray and ask who Heavenly Father wants us to invite to be baptized. My comps and I all thought about the number 3. And two of the names that came to mind were people who we already know. And the last one we all feel like we haven't met yet. So, we have a mystery person we've been praying to find.
Also, our active teaching pool was quite large. And we were struggling fitting in appointments for everyone. So at Zone Conference, while we were doing the Holy Ghost invite, we also felt that we needed to drop some people who weren't really progressing so we can focus on those who need us right now. We've been praying to know who to drop and when to drop them. And everyday we have someone cancel a lesson or tell us not to come, and while it's sad,  God has literally been showing us who to focus on. It's very cool. I'm very grateful for the guidance we've been given so we can really focus on those Heavenly Father wants us too.
Anyways, I think that's it, so here's some pictures!  Love y'all!!


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