Chapter 8: A White Christmas and All Things Peppermint

MERRY AFTER CHRISTMAS! I've had sooooo many peppermint shakes and chocolate this week. I'm in love. They're just too good! Even when I'm freezing, I just can't not! And, peppermint everything is seasonal, gotta get it in NOW.

Here's a couple snipits, before we get to the big rundown:
We had a lesson with one of our 9 year olds at her grandma's house, and grandma said she'd put me in the timeout chair. We also did some service and cleaned a lady's house. I was mopping the floor with a cloth at the end of a pole and she said I "ain't no hillbilly mopper". XD so if you need your floors mopped, I got u. 
Almost every day during personal study someone from the mission office calls us. We started playing p-study call bingo. The AP's, financial, medical, and vehicle missionaries have all called us. Even the Mission President and his wife! 
Also! Missionaries need a bus. Finding rides for people to come to church is lowkey a nightmare. Too many variables. If we had a bus we could just pick everybody up. Good thing our ward is fabulous and super willing to help out!
Temperatures have been waaaay too cold for my liking. And I'm def not prepared for it. Did not believe all the people who said humidity cold was worse. I have been humbled, they were right. Our mission President sent out a big ol text telling us all to let our faucets drip a little so the pipes don't burst. 

Last p'day we went downtown to the Market! It was pretty cool! Got to walk along the pier next to the ocean. We could see Fort Sumnter from where we were, that was cool. The Market was fun to walk around too! Lots of old buildings and cute shops!
LIGHT THE WORLD! It was so fun!! We weren't aloud to do pross while volunteering, so we had permission to not wear our name tags for the time we were there. It was weird. But I loved being there! There's something about inviting people to give. I loved watching how happy everyone was as they bought things for those who really needed it.

(They delivered a tree to a family after it was done being used at the Mobile Giving Machine.
Yup - that's a real tree, needles and all, stuck in their car.)

(I know it's blurry... but I had to show y'all my baby's muscles!)

We did Caroling every night before Christmas. That was so much fun!!! It was sosososososo cold! But it was sososososososososo good!!! It brought a lot of joy to the people we caroled too.

CHRISTMAS! Our whole mission had a goal to get to 100 baptisms during November and December before Christmas. President Monson called it a White Christmas. AND WE MADE IT! We made it to 110 baptisms!! Even though there wasn't any snow, it was definitely white and glowing. 
Christmas morning was kinda hard. It's rough starting your mission off with two Holidays within your first transfer. So the morning kinda sucked until I got to talk with my family. I love them!! Also, we had three member meals that night! Sooo much food. And we got leftovers from two of them. So we're all set for the week food wise. 
My goal this last week was to think more about Jesus in the small moments. And it honestly improved my day. It reminded me of my purpose and gave me more chances to think about how Christ would help the people we visited with. There were a couple days where I kinda slacked on reading my scriptures, things got crazy and personal study went out the window. And I was able to see how much reading the scriptures daily can improve my day. I feel happier and more prepared when I read my scriptures in the morning. I am very grateful for my new understanding of the importance of daily scripture study. And I invite you to start reading daily, even just a verse. It will make your days easier, and you will feel God's love for you even more. 
I love y'all! Stay warm!!
Love, Sister Ray

(They put their mattresses in the front room Christmas Eve and slept with the lights on the tree on.
Sis Harris's mom sent them all matching jammies!)

(The Elders in their District spent some time on their Pdays for the last month collecting shark teeth a the water to make all the Sisters their District bracelets.  Yes... the Elders made these!)

Also! The lyrics to a parody the Monsons made of a White Christmas!


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