Chapter 13: God's Symphony

 Hello hello!

This week was kinda long. I felt kinda drained all week, but lots of good things happened! 
We met this amazing and spiritually in tune lady who has us call her Momma Donna. She's so sweet. We helped her in her garden and spent some time answering some questions she has. We're so so excited to visit with her some more! 
Crazy miracle!! We got an online referral for a guy named Clifton. And y'all!! If ANYONE is elect, it is him. We've talked with him a couple times over the phone and tried to meet with him once, but that didn't go through. During one of those calls we invited him to come to church Sunday. And he's literally amazing! We had a linger longer afterwards and he threw himself right in! He helped set up chairs and tables, sat next to members, and helped clean up. He loved church itself and the Lord has been preparing him for baptism. Clifton said that his "soul was crying for baptism". We showed him the baptismal font and literally put him on date during our first meeting in person!! We're so hyped for him!! He already has such amazing faith and is relying so much on Christ!! 
During one of our weekly Zone zoom calls, we had a discussion on Alma 26. And I want to share a thought I've been thinking over this week since then. In verse 3, Ammon talked about being an instrument in the hands of the Lord. I love that. Not like a tool to be used, but an instrument to make music. Like an instrument, as a missionary, I can do nothing without the guidance of the Lord. I am not the one creating the music, I am simply the one through which the Lord's song is played. Instruments need to be taken care of and tuned so that they are prepared before they're played; I need to make sure I am spiritually tuned in so the Lord can use me in his symphony. As an instrument I am here to play God's song for everyone so they can choose to listen or not. His song is beautiful. It's one of peace, and strength, and comfort. I am honored to be one of His instruments to share His song. 
I definitely want to develop and fine-tune this thought some more, but there it is, haha.
P-day last week was good! We went downtown again, took more pictures and bought some things!  
Rainbow Row in Downtown Charleston 

Hope y'all have a blessed week!
Love, Sister Ray
Us and Charlotte
(Sis Ray, Sis Jones, Charlotte, Sis Allred)



Uncle Ryan! These are for you! It's da 🍍 fountain!


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