Chapter 14: Honorary Peach

Hellooooooooo! This week was busy! But not in the normal way. 

P-day was more on the chill side. Did our usual weekly planning and shopping. Along with our weekly grocery store find. XD we always find someone in the Walmart parking lot who wants to know more or come to church. That evening we went to our sweet senior missionarys' apartment and had eggplant lasagna that she made. The rest of our district was there too, so it ended up being an impromptu unofficial district p-day, haha. We played some card games together, then said peace out to the Elders and all us Sisters went to our apartment and I cut one of the sisters' hair. I'm basically a professional now.

Tuesday and Wednesday were kinda insane. Tuesday was MLC. So all the mission leadership goes to Columbia for a big ol' meeting. And that means that my comps ditch me for the day. Usually I'd go hang out with some Sisters in our Zone, buuuut we had STL exchanges the next day. I felt strongly prompted that I needed to be in the other area for the exchange sooooooo I hung out with some Sisters near Columbia until we could meet up with my comps and the other STL's. This exchange was kinda wonky compared to the way it typically happens. Generally, STL's stick together so there's one STL with another. But the way it worked out this time we had three STL's in our area, Sister Jones, Sister Allred, and one of the STL's from the other area. Which means I went without either of my comps! I got to spend the exchange with Sister MacLellan and Garcia. Sister Garcia and I came out together, so we're both still in training. Which is crazy! It was such a good day! I learned so so many things! AND! I was in Georgia!! I lowkey wanted to spend part of my mission serving there, and now I've spent a full 24 hrs there, haha.

Then on Thursday we spent half the day at ZCM. So honestly I feel like I've barely been in my area this whole week, haha. But it was good!

We had an amazing lesson with Clifton! He was originally going to cancel the lesson because of medical issues, but we offered to set up a Priesthood Blessing for him and he accepted. We were able to have a good lesson about the Priesthood before the blessing. The ward members in this area are literally the best!! They're so kind, and loving and so willing to help!

We also had such a Spirit led lesson with our friend Sid. We met him a few weeks ago, asked if we could pray for him. He was a little standoffish, but took our number. And he ACTUALLY texted us a few days later! He said he felt so bad for brushing us off and that the Spirit chastised him. He had some questions he asked us over text, we answered them and said we'd love to come by in person. He said we could, set up a time, and he said he'd done some research and had more questions for us. That kinda made us nervous, ngl. But before his lesson we prayed that God would guide our words and the Spirit would direct the lesson. Looking back, our prayer was absolutely answered. We were able to answer his questions very articulately and introduce the Book of Mormon to him as the best place for him to find answers.

I am very grateful that this is God's work and that He has a plan. Nothing I do can mess up someone's chance for Salvation. I'm not important enough for that. And I mean that in the most humble and honest way. God is the Master and Author of our stories. If you let Him guide your life, everything will work out the way it needs to be. 

I love y'all, and hope y'all are having a fabulous week!!


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