Chapter 16: The Transfer Next Door

It happened! I got transferred! Lowkey was hoping to stay in the Summerville 2nd ward, but I'm still in Charleston! Same Zone, just in the area next door. I got moved to Nexton! And if Nexton looks familiar It's because I would hang out in Nexton a lot! During exchanges and when my comps had meetings I couldn't go to. But more on that later! Maybe.

Monday was Sister Jones' last p-day before going home, so we helped her pack and clean things up. Then we went to the Angel Oak Tree! Wow. It's such a big beautiful tree! There was this reverent hush all around the tree. It was very cool. I picked up an acorn from the ground and took it as a little souvenir. 
Sis Ray, Sis Jones, Sis Allred
The Angel Oak is estimated to be 400 years old
And is expected to live around 900 years

Valentines day! DCM! The Temple! So much happened! DCM was really good. I'm really grateful for those missionaries. They're all really good people with such amazing testimonies. I've learned so much from them on how to be a good, hardworking, caring missionary. 

DCM: District Council Meeting.  Sending Sister Jones home
Wednesday! Aaaaahhhhhh! We got a call from President in the morning and he said I would be transferring over to Nexton with Sister Sherlock. Thus began the day of goodbyes. We had SEVEN lessons that day! We were non stop all day long. We got to visit Leigh Ellen and Ricky! I love them so much! We had such a good lesson with them! Their faith and strength and kindness seriously blows me away. We also got to visit Lewis and Gail! And man, imma miss that guy. He always calls us his Sisters. He called Sister Jones "rock", Sister Allred "smiley" and he called me "happy". He's such a good person, and so funny. I'm so excited for the progress he has made and will make in the Gospel.
Lewis, Sis Ray, Gail

Bye Flossie!

Thursday was transfer day! Packed mine and Sister Jones' stuff up, drove to Nexton, said goodbye to each other and Sister Allred. And started this transfer with Sister Sherlock. 
I'm super excited! Sister Sherlock is so sweet and so much fun, and so sweet! We actually came out together! How fun is that? She's very good at pushing people to do their best, it's awesome to watch. She doesn't let her fears get to her. 

Saying goodbye to Sister Jones and Sister Allred

It's been hard though. We're not really teaching many progressing people. But there's a lot, a lot, of potential in this area. And I'm doing my best to be patient with the area. I'm just a little overwhelmed with how little we're doing. The transfer's literally just started; so there's plenty of time to get things rolling. 
My Spiritual though for the week is this. There are lots of situations this past transfer, and even now, where I was given the chance to rely on God and to rely on Christ. I would not have made it so well through those struggles if it wasn't for my Savior and the relationship I have and am growing with Him. 
I listened to a talk by President Nelson this week called "Joy and Spiritual Survival". And this is my new favorite talk. He talks about how Christ is the center of everlasting joy. And when we allow things to distract us from Christ we cannot feel His fullness of joy. 
I have felt more joy than I ever could while sharing His Gospel. Even through my struggles. Having Christ as our center brings true joy and strength.
I love y'all! And I pray that you'll be able to find comfort and Joy in Christ as you turn to Him. He'll be right there waiting for you.
Love, Sister Ray


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