Chapter 18: My Taste buds Have Ascended to Heaven!

The long awaited day has come. Four months. Four long grueling months without it. My anticipation has finally come to an end. I have had a bo-berry biscuit. And Y'ALL! I am in love. It's soooooooo goooooood! Perfect mix of sweet and savory all in one bite. Warms you up and makes you feel good. 10/10 recommend.

bo-berry!!!!! (w/Sisters Hess & Moorhouse)

While we're on the topic of food. We also had a grocery bag FILLED with carrots, that sat in our car and in our fridge for too long. And we needed to do something with them. We also had very ripe pears that needed to be taken care of. Of course we couldn't just eat them as they were, that's boring! So I thought, "hmm, I'm going to make some carrot pear juice." Do we have a juicer? No. But we do have a blender! So in went the carrots! In went the pears! And in went some water!
I was a bit skeptical of the blenders ability to handle the carrots, but it proved its use quite well. The journey doesn't stop there though because after blending I just had this orange, frothy, pulpy, liquid. And I don't know about you, but pulp and I are not besties. Luckily enough we had a strainer with small enough holes so I could pour the juice through it and not get pulp! It took a hot second and the sink was covered in orange, but I had my juice! It tasted slightly off, but I fixed that with a little bit of honey. As exciting as that adventure was, I will refrain from doing it again. I'll just buy juice at the store. Or just have water. 
But anyways! This week was pretty good! We had more lessons, which was really nice. Our teaching pool is still a little sparse, but we're working on it! Things are definitely starting to get rolling. Slowly. We've been focusing a lot of pmf (part member families) work and less actives. I honestly love pmf work. And I'm excited to be doing a lot of it here. 
We did exchanges this week! I got to go back to my old area!! Aahhh! I love those people! I spent the day with Sister Moorhouse and Sister Hess. They're awesome. Very caring and hardworking. I got to see Veron and Ralph again and Jamie! We put Veron's daughter on date! 

Sisters Sherlock, Ray, Moorhouse, Hess, Allred
Cool 7-11 photo bomber
Friday we had Zone Conference! I LOVE Zone Conference! Our Zone vision this month is "courage, for the Lord is on our side". We read Alma 58: 10-12 along with it. And talked about the steps it takes to get to courage. And I was reading in Moroni this morning, and came across a verse that goes perfectly with our theme. It's Moroni 8:16; which talks about perfect love casting out all fear. I don't need to have confidence in myself because I have confidence in God. I trust Him.

Charleston Zone

I would write more, but I got sick again this week so imma just end it here and go nap. I love y'all! 
Love, Sister Ray
Sat on this lady's porch for 10 min while waiting for her

Where the sidewalk ends 


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