Chapter 19: A Two Sidewalk Type of Day

 Hi friends!! So much happened this week, and I was sick for most of it. Which sucked, but I'm FINALLY feeling better. 

Monday we went downtown and did some shopping. I can't say that I've ever just gone shopping for shopping sake before now. I didn't end up buying anything, but it was kinda fun just to go around the shops. We went to Chipotle after and I got to try that for the first time. Tbh it was meh. Also, I was so dead tired afterwards, walking around downtown for hours while sick is not recommended. Oh! We did also go to Trader Joe's. I did get something from there: ice cream :)). The one thing we really needed to buy and totally didn't was hand soap.... oops...
Tuesday was kinda a chill day. We had a district meeting most the day, then I took a nap on the church couch until our dinner appointment. Elder Uchtdorf was right; church sleep IS the best sleep. The member we had dinner with is so awesome! She's literally putting together her own Area Book for the ward in Google sheets form!
Wednesday we had a lesson with a pmf we're working with, and we got the whole family to join the lesson!! It was so good! We taught them the Plan of Salvation. The kids are adorable and really loved the lesson! 
Thursday was literally insane. We had an appointment in the morning with one of our new friends, which we were pretty excited for. But when she opened the door she was shaking and having a hard time breathing. She ushered us inside and asked us to say a prayer, so we did, and we helped her find her asthma treatment stuffs. But she wasn't really getting any better so we called 911 and the paramedics came and helped her out more. Needless to say, we did not have a lesson. She's alright! Don't worry. We're going to check in on her and see how she's doing. But that was an experience I definitely did not think I was going to have on my mission. 
Saturday we passed this older lady raking leaves in her yard while we were driving. I had had the prompting to roll down my window and ask if would like some help, but a couple things happened and I didn't roll my window down in time. But! The Lord gave me a second chance! We passed by her again on our way out of the neighborhood and this time I made sure we stopped. She gladly accepted! We helped her rake leaves and move big bags of junk from the back yard to the front yard. She's literally the sweetest lady ever. She gave us some tupperware to take home. Oh! Get this! She's absolute besties with a member in the Goose Creek ward! We made sure to get her number so we could come back, do more service and teach her as well. 
I was listening to a talk one day, I can't remember off the top of my head what talk or who gave it, but they were talking about not becoming less active in the Gospel. And there definitely is a difference in being "less active" and not coming to church and being less active in the Gospel. Church is good. The Sacrament is the most important part of the week. It allows us to renew our sacred Covenants that bind us to Christ. I am so grateful to be bound to Christ. He is the reason and the way that I can return to my Heavenly Father, live with my family forever, and even just make it through my trials. And that's why it's far more important to not let ourselves become "less active" in the Gospel. Because doing that is deny the hand Christ has outstretched to you. God has so so many blessings to give. I plead with you to not let yourself go without Him in your life. I know He loves you. He has a perfect plan set in place for you. Trust and rely in Him. 
I love y'all so much. Have a blessed week everyone!


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