Chapter 21: Temple & Diligence

 Hi y'all! This week feels like it honestly didn't happen. How is it Monday already? It's true what they say about missionary time. The days were long, but the week went by fast. 

Last p-day we went to the beach as a district! I seriously love the beach. The walk from the parking lot to the water is a nice long dirt path through some open marshy land and right before you get to the ocean you walk through a lil thicket of palmetto trees and bushes. It's really cool walking back from the ocean, because you don't realize how much noise the waves make until you're on the other side of the trees and it's silent. It's kinda trippy. But really relaxing and peaceful too.
District @ da beach
We saw a jellyfish! I poked it. 

On Tuesday we had our mission wide Temple day!!!! We literally spent around five hours in the Temple. It was the best. Everyone's been talking about the adjustments that have been made, especially in the Endowment. I love them. Nothing doctrinal has changed, because that never will change; but I love how the focus is much more centered on Christ. It's truly beautiful and I was able to find a lot more understanding and personal meaning to the Covenants I have made. If you haven't gone to the Temple recently, do everything, make every sacrifice you can to be there. Temple Covenants bind us to Jesus Christ. Regular Temple attendance can help us to strengthen that connection. The stronger we are in our connection to Christ and our willingness to obey the will of God, the more blessings will be poured upon us. Keeping our Temple Covenants allows Christ to stabilize us against the storms of the world, and bring ease to the burdens we carry. I am so grateful to be bound to my Savior. No man on earth can ever take that away from me. I rely on Christ in everything I do, and He is always there to give me comfort and strength.
Zone at the Columbia temple
With Sister Sherlock
This week as a Zone we studied the Christlike attribute of diligence in pmg and how it goes along with our Zone theme of Courage. 
(Side note real quick. Everyone go get yourself a "Preach My Gospel" book rn. Seriously. Do it. It is one of the BEST resources for understanding the core Doctrine of the Gospel). 
One of the things we talked about is how diligence isn't working hard to "look good". Diligence is great effort and ~care~. In order to follow the example of Christ in being diligent we need to have a love of God and of all men. This is true for everyone, but especially as missionaries. Having a love of God and His children, with an honest desire to help other progress gives meaning to the tedious little tasks of daily missionary life. 
We had a lot of lessons this week. Most of them canceled 😞. But! The lessons we did have were absolutely fire!!! Very Spirit filled and powerful. We had a lesson with our friend Florence on the Plan of Salvation. And all throughout she kept saying how the plan brought her so much joy, it makes the most sense and shows God's love. I'm just so happy that she was able to recognize those truths.
Big miracle on Sunday! Actually, this started on Saturday. We stopped by our friend Logan's house because hadn't been able to get in contact with him for a long time. When we stopped by we invited him to church and he said he'd like to come. And he actually came!!! We have a lesson with him this week to pass him off to the ysa Elders. 
AND!!! We put Chad on date!! He's the MOST prepared pmf. Seriously so ready for baptism. We're so excited for him!! 
Member, Chad, Member, Sis Ray, Sis Sherlock
Transfers are this week!!! I think I'm going to stay. Lowkey kinda stressed about it. But there's not much I can really do about that, so I'm just going to focus on the work. Gotta get everyone to watch General Conference!! If you're not already planning on watching, do! Conference is seriously one of my favorite times of year! Plus! It's Easter Conference. All about hope. I know God has something to say to each of you. Something to give you strength. Something to bring you healing. Something to give you comfort. So when you listen to conference, instead of writing down quotes this time, write down your impressions, thoughts, and feelings. Because those will be the Spirit talking to you, giving what you need. 
I love y'all! Hope y'all are doing well! I'm always praying and carrying y'all in my heart.


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