Chapter 26b: 6 Months

I am in love. In love with South Carolina. In love with the people here. In love with serving my God. In love with bringing souls unto Christ. Nothing else I've experienced has brought me more joy and learning than being a missionary. I love it with all of my heart. Jesus Christ is the only way in which we can find true rest, joy, and eternal life. I love this Gospel. I know that we are all loved children of God; He loves you. I love you.

I am grateful for these past 6 months and all the wonderful people I've met, taught, and served with. There's nothing I'd rather be doing.

Sis Noel

Chad & Nicole's baptisms

With the District

My district doing service

Charleston Zone at the Columbia, South Carolina Temple

With Flossie, Sis Allred and Sis x

Sis Sherlock

Sis Jones & Sis Allred

Sis Jones, Sis Allred x baptism

Sis Jones, Sis Harris, x baptism

Service at the Light the World mobile

Sis Harris, Sis Jones x baptism

Sis Jones, Sis Harris at Flossie's baptism

My MTC companion: Sis Harvey!

My trainers: Sis Harris & Sis Jones


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