Chapter 27: Share Jesus

 Hi y'all! 

This week has been a slower week. We only had a couple of lessons this week, the rest was just in person contacting, which isn't my favorite because I have a hard time feeling productive and like I'm actually doing what I need to be in that moment. Definitely still learning how to enjoy it. But I won't bore you with it all, so instead I'll give you a couple highlights. 
Highlight 1! We went to Holly Hill on Wednesday and met with a pmf who had been previously taught and had an amazing lesson on the Restoration with him! He even still has his resto pamphlet from the missionaries before. 
Highlight 2! We had a bing last week to stop the car and ask this lady on her porch if there was anything we could pray for and offered a message of Jesus Christ. She said she'd love for us to come back! When we came back we introduced our message on how families can be together forever and how this Gospel, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, brings eternal happiness. We gave her a Book of Mormon, and before we could even invite her to start reading, she said she was going to read it everyday and couldn't wait for us to come back! 
Highlight 3! Last Monday we went to Top Golf as a district then went to a park and played whippleball. That was tons of fun!! I'm total trash at hitting a ball with a club, but don't doubt my ability to hit a ball with a bat. 

Our new Zone Vision for the month is "teaching like Jesus". And on Friday we had our Zone fhm,(Friday home morning), where we read and talked about the "teaching the Saviors way" in the Come Follow Me manual. One of the points is to teach about Jesus Christ with everything that we share. That made me think of what my brother Alex always says to me. He tells me to "Share Jesus". 
I love that so much. Sharing Jesus is the most important thing we could be doing. As missionaries, we are here to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive His restored Gospel and make and keep sacred Covenants. If we neglect to share Jesus in every one of those steps, then we've lost sight of the whole reason for any of this. 
Everything in this Gospel we teach would be empty if not for Jesus. There would be no Bible, Book of Mormon, Restoration, Repentance, Baptism, Eternal life and families. 
How grateful I am for Jesus Christ and all that He is and has done. 
And thank you to my brother for giving me one of the most important pieces of advice and encouragement from the beginning, even if I didn't realize it until now. 
One last highlight! We had a member meal on Sunday, and they fed us true southern chicken and waffles. Y'all! I am in love! I think I have a new favorite food! 😍 Literally the best. Especially on a fast Sunday. But it doesn't stop there. This family always asks the missionaries the same two questions. 
-When did we know we wanted to serve a mission? 
-When/How did we know we were meant to be here? (They said not all the missionaries they ask this question to have the answer yet. And that it was okay not to. It's something we get to learn and figure out along the way).
After answering, they then invited us to write our answers down, so that we can always look back on them. Especially in the hard times. I'm inviting all my missionary friends to do the same.
And if you're really curious as to my answers, I won't tell you the answer to the first, because I ain't gonna type all that out; but my answer to the second one is simply the Lord called me here. I don't think I'm here to have a grand impact on one person's life and that be the pinnacle of my mission accomplishments. I am here to Share Jesus. With everyone. By teaching, by loving, by example. Whether or not they accept, I know I am doing what I am called to do. 
I hope y'all can feel the love that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father have for you. Go and share it. Share Jesus. 
With Love Always, Sister Ray


Sis Noel and I

Us being goofy

The bike broke on me...

1st time @ Canes!

Lil Lego guy

The Teuscher Fam! ❤️

Goosey Elders!
(Goose Creek)

Oh yeah! We did service!



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