Chapter 29: Cookies, Cookies and More Cookies

So this week has also been very dry. There's honestly not a whole ton to share on. We've been focusing a lot on pmf (Part Member Family) work. Which is great! I love love pmf work! It's just slower. 

The thing that we've had most of this week has been cookies. Elders dropped off some cookies for us. They gave us two different kinds. A mean kind and a really yummy kind. The first batch was literally just a mouthful of salt. Poor Sister Noel got the brunt of that one as she took a big bite into one of them. It was kinda funny. Then we got some cookies from some members visiting Sister Noel. Then! At one of our member meals, the members own a Twisted Sugar, so they gave us a box to take home. Then! At church ANOTHER member gave us cookies. Oh and also, we had bought oreo's on Monday. So now we have a butt ton of cookies. Haha. 
Oh also! Hiiiiii! Forgot to start with that. (And I know I can just go back and edit my typing, but we're just going with the flow). 
Saturday was the best day this week. So I'll tell you about that. We had two lessons lined up for before 11am! One at 9:30 and one at 10:30. Then we had service right after at 11:30. And for dinner some members from Sister Noel's first area were going to be in town and wanted to take us out. So we were mega hyped for the day! And literally both of our morning lessons canceled. Well, one of them did, the earlier one thank goodness; the other lesson just didn't answer the door. So that was a bit if a bummer. I actually really enjoy morning lessons. It's nice getting out of the apartment a little bit earlier. So we ended up just driving to the church and changing for the service project. 
The service project was with the Elders in Moncks Corner. It was for a pmf they're teaching who's in our area. Kind of a weird situation, but we were more than happy to go do some service! We helped hang this big heavy mirror and move a heavy wooden table from the garage to the second floor and some other big things as well. Then he fed us some pizza! It was lots of fun! 
After service, we just went on some visits, stopping by some more pmfs. After one house I got a bing to knock on this door across the street. Oh my goodness y'all! The lady we met was amazing! She invited us right in and we immediately started talking about God and Love with her. You could definitely feel the Spirit there. I love contacts like these. Where you have no plan going into the home, but you can feel the Spirit guide you through the conversation and bring things to mind. She's the one person we found this week, and I'm so happy we did. 
One of the talks I listened to this week on the Book of Mormon was "A Witness" by President Henry B Eyring. I have to say, this is one of my new favorite talks. He talks about the Book of Mormon being the best guide we have and gives so many wonderful examples. It's made me reflect more on how the stories in the Book of Mormon can be an example to me. I invite you all to go ~watch~ his talk and ponder the same thing for your life. (It hits different when you watch President Eyring actually give the talk). The Book of Mormon truly is powerful. There is a reason we push it so much as missionaries. It testifies of Jesus Christ. Our Savior. Our Brother. Our Comfort. Our Strength. It teaches us about the Atonement and Eternal Life and Glory. The Atonement is a gift; it's meant to be shared with Joy. I know that I have found Joy through the Atonement and in the strength if Jesus Christ. I pray that you can. 
I love y'all. God loves y'all. Jesus loves y'all. 
Stay safe and have a most wonderful week! 
With love always,
Sister Ray
Sis Moorhouse, Elder Perkins and me

It's cold in our apt


Daily pics of Sis Noel and I

Luau dinner at a members!!


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