Chapter 30: The Atonement and Enduring

Howdiddy Doodah!

How's y'alls week been? Mine's been long. Thanks for asking. But that's okay. We did lots of visiting less actives this week. 
We had District pday last Monday! That was lots of fun! We played volleyball at the church and made chicken salad sandwiches. I also roped and Elder into playing the card game "spit" with me. Man, I miss playing card games.  
Sunday was Sis Noel's bday! I made her some yummy breakfast foods for lunch! And sang many times to her ofc. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! And! Just as we got home for the night, just about to get into bed, we get a text from a pmf that his wife is home alone with their young girl who has a high high fever. He asked if we could help get her a Priesthood Blessing. So we call the DL and ask if they can come give a last minute late night blessing. They're seriously amazing, they headed out right then and we met them there. Needless to say, we were definitely out past curfew... oh well. 
Rest of the week was pretty much just going around visiting people. We honestly didn't have a ton of lessons, we only had like two or three all week. 
We had exchanges this week! That was fun! Sister Bailey came to Nexton and spent the day with me. I love her so much! She's amazing. Very grateful for her. We had a really good chat about how sometimes all we can do is endure. And that's okay. Because enduring to the end is still a part of Christ's Gospel; and if that's our participation for the moment, then so be it. I listened to a talk this week and my biggest take away is this: when the only thing you can do is pray, pray fervently.
Sister Bailey!!
Zone Conference!! It was our last one with President and Sister Monson! It was so good!! Sister Monson did a Spiritual training on Charity. She talked about Charity being the Pure Love of Christ in three dimensions.
1) love for Christ
2) love from Christ
3) love like Christ
Something I've learned about Charity is that service is one of the greatest ways to gain Charity. Pure selfless service allows us to feel Christ's love for ourselves and those we serve. 
So if you're struggling to feel Charity, go do the dishes for your mom. 
Pre and Sis Monson! ❤
President Monson did an in-depth training on The Atonement of Jesus Christ. And wow. I'm not going to go into detail about everything he went over, but I'll share a few thoughts. 
The Atonement is for everyone, everywhere, and at every time. The Atonement covers more than just sin. It covers all of our afflictions. Emotional, mental, Spiritual, and otherwise. The Atonement is personal. If you haven't had a personal experience with The Atonement of Jesus Christ, I invite you to study the scriptures about the Atonement so you can feel it's redeeming and strengthening power in your life. 
I know Jesus Christ loves me. This week has honestly been really hard. I have struggled to feel the Spirit and to feel joy. But I am grateful to have the knowledge that because of Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice for me, I can find that joy again, and invite His Light into my life once again. 
I know Jesus Christ loves you. I know God, your Heavenly Father loves you. And know that I love you, for whatever it's worth. 
Stay strong. Keep Enduring. Rely on Christ.
With love always, Sister Ray ☀️
Bday deco for a member!

Classic church selfie

I LOVE sunflowers

Lol, me an' a bunch of Elders

Treat drop off


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