Chapter 36: Fireworks, Sprinklers, Clams

Another week in Hilton Head! Y'all I'm so stoked to be here. There's a lot of good stuff going on.

First of all, last Monday we went fishing! It was in the afternoon and mega hot. None of us caught anything, but we did get ice cream. So I think that's a win right there. 
That night we got a phone call from some members telling us about some of their friends they want to start introducing the Gospel to! That was epic. We ended up going to their house the next day to meet one of their friends. While we waited for the friend to get there, they told us the extra long version of their conversion story. Literally so so cool!! We didn't end up meeting the friend, but it was worth it to visit with them. I honestly love the members. They're all so hyped about sharing the Gospel and have been really helpful to Sister Ward and I. 
For the Fourth of July we went to some members house for a bit, then came home and when it was dark we "snuck" onto the golf course in our backyard and watched fireworks from across the Harbour. The course sprinklers came on while we were watching, and we got SOAKED. So much fun!!

We had our first lesson with our friend Valerie, and she's absolutely amazing. Her husband is a member so she already knows a little bit. She reads the Book of Mormon and knows it's true. She reached out to us because she wants to learn more, and we are so excited to be meeting with her!! Literal besties already, I love her sm!! 
We didn't have a member dinner one night, so we decided to go to a low country boil restaurant. Y'all. So good. 10/10. Shrimp, clams, potatoes, corn. Spicy. So so much flavor. Delicious. 

"Hook and Reel" low country boil
Wednesday was ZCM. Y'all. So powerful. The Spirit was so strong in guiding us. Receiving revelation for an area is trippy and very humbling. We set a lot of goals for our Zone. Specifically with unity in working with members. This week we all studied the new pmg chapter 13, which talks all about members and missionaries. Seriously go read it right now. Preach My Gospel is not just for missionaries. It is for everyone who has a desire to come closer to Christ and gather Israel. I'm very excited to study this new edition. The changes I've already seen are undeniably inspired. 
We also talked a lot about "structure", "obedience", and "conversion". I've come to the understand that obedience to the structure that God has given us is what leads to our conversion. 
I was reading in Alma, (chapter 37), this week, and Alma is talking to his son Helaman about obedience to the commandments of the Lord. In verse 13 he says "O remember, remember, my son Helaman, how strict are the commandments of God. And he said: If ye will keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land—but if ye keep not his commandments ye shall be cut off from his presence." 
I want to focus on why he used the word "strict". The word strict is usually used in a negative connotation in today's world. Usually referring to someone who is overbearing and intense in making sure their rules are followed exactly. But that definition doesn't fit for this verse. I looked up the word strict and another one of its definitions is "allowing no deviation from a standard". Now that fits. 
I can honestly say I know that following the directions God has given us is the way we find true joy. Obedience is happiness. And I will stand by that. Am I perfect at it? No. But I'm trying. That's what we have the Atonement for. To do better each day. 
That's all you're gunna get from me this week! I hope y'all have a fabulous week. Set a goal this week for something you can be a little more obedient with. Whether that be scripture study, prayers, readjusting something you are doing/not doing, or attending church, or whatever you feel God needs you to do. I know you will find Joy as you use the Atonement, make changes, and realign yourself with God's will. 
Stay safe! I love y'all!
-Sister Ray
•Thought u were done getting beach pics? 
•HaPpY America!
•red, white, and blue


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