Chapter 37: May I humbly present...... The Hamblins!!!

 Y'all! This week went by faaaast! We had Zone Conference on Wednesday. We were combines with the Savannah zone because we're both pretty small zones. And it was in Savannah, Georgia. So guess what!??!! For the first time in 8 months, I was in the same state as my mom!! She was in Atlanta for a convention. That was trippy, a little homesicky too. But that's okay because ZONE CONFERENCE WAS SO GOOD. Sister Ward and I showed up late, that was awkward. To be fair there were two church addresses given and we were the only ones to go to the wrong one.... we would have been early though, were it not for that misshap. We met our new mission President and his wife. President and Sister Hamblin. They're amazing. I love them. President Hamblin has so much energy and zeal for this mission and I'm excited for it. 

Hilton Head & Savannah Zone Sisters
Pres & Sister Hamblin with Pres & Sister Monson.

Our first training was on Chapter 13 of the New Preach My Gospel. It's all about working with ward members and leaders. So good! It changed my perspective on our roles as missionaries. I'm very excited to be working here in this ward. Sister Ward and I both have received string promptings that we are here in Hilton Head for the ward, and that most of our work is going to happen through members. We're hyped to get the work moving here!
Our second training was a Spiritual training on Chapter 6 of pmg. "Seeking Christlike Attributes". That was the perfect thing I needed. This week I have been studying the Christlike attribute of Humility. I got to the point where I was just going in circles and getting no where. My biggest couple takeaways from that training are; 
1) you will never recognize a Christlike attribute in yourself, because then it's not Christlike. Sister Ward shared that thought with me. 
2) we already have these attributes inside of us, we are all born with the Light of Christ, we just need to reconnect. 
3) focus on Christ. Not just the attribute. These characteristics become empty if we don't look to the Character which they come from. 
4) I have made Covenants that have yoked me to Christ. And when I focus on being a disciple of Christ and following Him, I will become more like Him. Matthew 11:28-30 beautifully articulates this.
In my interview with President Hamblin, one of the things we talked about was music and how I love music. I told him how I've had some sacred experiences playing music- specifically with my cello- and how music is one of the strongest ways I feel the Spirit. He encouraged me a lot to find ways to use music in my efforts as a missionary. The next day, when visiting some people, I noticed they had a player piano! I made a comment and he asked if I wanted to play it. Of course I said yes! Now, do I actually know how to play piano? Nope. Do I have a song memorized? Yep. Is said song from the hymns? Nope. Did I play it anyways? Yep. (For those of you wondering, it's "music of the night" from Phantom of the Opera). Now my goal is to teach myself piano, so I can play hymns and go back and play for them. I'm going to come back from my mission as a concert pianist. Haha, if only.
Funny story for the week. We were going to have a lesson with our friend Valerie on Friday. But that morning she texted us saying she had to cancel. We were sad. A little bit later we were texting a member and she told us that her and Valerie were going shopping and out to lunch that day! Hahaha, Valerie literally canceled on us to go hang out with a member!! So..... we invited ourselves to lunch, and we had such a good time! And even got a mini lesson in. 

Sis Ward, Sis Ray, Valerie and M&M
Satisfying moment of the week: the mold in our apartment finally got cleaned!!!! 
Last P-day Sister Ward and I went to a bookstore and bought a book on the Marsh. So now we're experts. We take it with us everywhere. We also made a Jesus wall. (See pic).
Anyways, that's all you're going to get from me this week. Hope y'all are staying safe! 
I'll end with my testimony I shared at Zone Conference.
I know that love is the reason. Love is the reason our Heavenly Father created a plan for us. Love is the reason He sent Jesus Christ for us. Love is the reason Jesus Christ Atoned, died, and rose again. I know that because of this Love we can have peace, joy and healing. I pray that each if you can feel your Father in Heavens love surround you. I invite you to pray and ask to feel His love. You will find it. And I hope you hold onto it and use it as your strength. 
My love is not quite so great as His, but I love y'all too. 
Love, Sister Ray
•Mornings on the beach will never get old
•"I ... am a librarian"
•incase you didn't know, there are DEER in SC
•Bridge to Georgia
•imagine driving over a bridge, listening to How to train your Dragon,
windows down, beautiful sunset....
•visitors welcome
•Hilton Head district Sistahs
•matching!! We cuties



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