Chapter 39: Questions of the Soul

Hi y'all! This week was so so good! There were still rough moments for sure, but when is there not? 

Last Monday we had District pday on the beach! We got there at 6am, watched the sunrise, made sand sculptures, played cards, volleyball, lots of fun things! 
Wednesday I was sick. Did not feel good at all. But we pushed on! Took some lil breaks along the way. (Looking back, it was probably the meatloaf I ate the night before). But that night we were doing exchanges. We drove to Rincon, had dinner with the stls and hung out at the church while the they had a meeting with the ward; I took a nap under a table. 
THURSDAY WAS MEGA HYPE. Sister Bradshaw and I had an early lesson with Valerie, and we put her on date! She's getting baptized! She's literally the most prepared and ready person for baptism. Haha, y'all she's so cute. She's already sharing the Gospel with her friends. And she knows so much. Mostly from reading the Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price. She's a QUEEN. Afterwards, the member who came with us to the lesson took all of us out for lunch to celebrate. Sister Bradshaw and I went on some other visits, knocked a couple doors, but didn't have much success. As we were leaving one apartment complex, someone called out to us so we turned around and met our new friend Howard! He's super cool. He was a bit reserved at first, but we asked him an inspired question and shared a Book of Mormon scripture and he opened right up to us! Told us his life story, and was very welcome to us coming back! The Lord's at it again, softening hearts. Then that night, we had a lesson with our friend Petagay. We had a really good inspired question led lesson with her, and we put her back on date for baptism! And!! Sister Ward and Sister Cain put a friend in Rincon on date that day too! 
Sis Bradshaw!
Saturday we had service. Us, the Elders and some ward members helped another member move. Her movers she hired bailed on her, and she needed to move that day. So we showed up and helped get everything into the moving truck. The rest of the day was lots of good visits!
As a Zone, part of our studies this past week was to have a "question of the soul" and to find answers in the Book of Mormon. Y'all. I know, without a doubt, that reading the Book of Mormon daily will help you to answer the question(s) that are inside your soul. It has helped me find so much peace, healing, joy and guidance. The Book of Mormon is the most powerful tool we have to help us strengthen our relationship with Jesus Christ. I know this because it testifies of Him. It teaches about Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice for us. If you're not already, please start now and put in the effort to read the Book of Mormon every day. Even just a little. I promise your life will be filled with more meaning and direction. I've seen it work for me. I know who Christ is because I've had experiences with Him through my studies. The Holy Ghost is always there to testify of Christ. It is undeniable the power and Spirit that this book brings into our lives. 
I know God loves His children. I have felt His love surround me, and I have felt His love for those around me. I pray that as you read the Book of Mormon you will feel this love as well.
God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you.
-Sister Ray
•when I accidentally broke the WoW...
•Mellow Mushroom Pizza!
•studies on a members balcony
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