Chapter 40: The Marsh Girls Forever

Alrighty y'all! Fun stuff first this time. 

Sister Ward and I made a lil table to sit in front of our window. We also bought two flowers. Best decision ever. Lowkey it was so much fun going to Lowes and finding the wood and such. Actually, scratch that, it was high key fun! 
Buying wood
Our Table and Flowers!
We had an amazing lesson with Valerie Tuesday or Wednesday night! (Can't remember which). We talked about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Valerie said one of my favorite things I've ever heard about repentance. She said "it helps my soul be bright". How beautiful of a perspective is that?? Repentance is not some punishment we ought to fear, but rather the way in which the Light of Christ returns to our souls. 
Me, Valerie, Sis Ward
Thursday we got transfer news! And let me tell you... that was a shock. Sister Ward and I were fully expecting to stay another transfer together, so when President Hamblin called us that morning and gave us our new assignments, we were shook. Not to be dramatic, but we were in shock the rest of the day. It brought up a lot of questions, and honestly I was kind of upset. I did not want to leave Sister Ward or Hilton Head . I spent most that morning packing, then we went to go say goodbye to Valerie and Sister Miller. We also spur of the moment decided to visit our friend Kenroy. And he was home! It had been a while since we'd been in contact with him, and that was a tender mercy. He literally gave us a whole Jamacian meal he cooked to take with us.
With Sis Miller aka "M&M"

That night we had ZCM. It was literally so so good! Each area had a member from their ward come for part of it and we set goals for member missionary work and what we can all do to make it more effective. 
Friday was transfers. I'm glad Sister Ward got to drive up with me. It was absolutely crazy at transfers. A big chunk of the mission was changing up so there were lots and lots of missionaries there. 
On the way to Transfers
My new companion is Sister Gibbens and she is literally amazing. I'm excited to be serving with her. 
We're in Aiken and serve in 2 wards

When President Hamblin called to give me my new assignment, he also invited me to read John chapter 13 and study servant leadership. I just love this chapter. Being a servant leader is having the image of Christ engraven on my countenance. Christ tells His Apostles that when He leaves they will seek Him, and the way they find Him is when we love others. So if I'm seeking to have the image of Christ in my heart, the way to achieve that is through loving and serving the way Christ would. 
(Here's a couple other scripture references I used in my study: John 15, Alma 5:19, Mosiah 5:2, Doct&Cov 50:24, Moroni 7:16). 
I know God sent me here for a reason and put me in this position for a reason. My job is to trust Him, love everyone, and work hard. Even if I'm a little upset about it and I don't understand why. 
I know God loves you, Jesus loves you, and I love you.
-Sister Ray
Pirate ship
I hit my nine months last Monday!!
pretty swing!!
Brother Wheatley!
last pic with the marsh..
We signed our table and expect every missionary who serves in this area to do the same.


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