Chapter 41: Sow in Tears, Reap with Joy

 Hi y'all! I realized in my last email, I don't think I updated y'all on where my new area is. My area is kinda big and covers a lot of little towns/cities. And we cover two wards. But I'm close to Aiken. We cover the Gilbert and Lake Murray wards; so anything in that area including Leesville-Batesburg. There are a LOT of dirt/sand roads in my area. Which is lots of fun! I'm hoping the vehicle coordinator will trade our Rav4 for a Tacoma lol....

Anyways, now that you're up to speed with that, I'll tell you about my week. It honestly felt long. In the moment of the week it was hard, and I'm having a bit of a hard time adjusting to the area. But looking back, lots of really good things happened. 
Tuesday we basically had meetings all day. We had DCM in the morning. It was honestly really good! I like my district a lot. Sister Gibbens and I had the big roleplay, and it was very powerful. It was a very Spirit led lesson. And even though I'm struggling with the area and figuring things out over here, Sister Gibbens and I teach really well together. After DCM we met with the Zone Leaders and the District Leaders. Took some time to get to know each other, and talked about what we can do to help our Zone be united and have high love-high expectations. 
My new District
We got to go to the Temple on Friday!!!! Oh that was such perfect timing. So needed. I love the Temple with all of my heart. It is a beautiful opportunity that we have to attend such a sacred place. I had a few questions in mind that I pondered on and received some answers and direction for as I pondered them during our day in the Holy House of the Lord. I'm so sad it's going to be temporarily closing for the next four months. But I'll get a couple more chances to go with some of our friends and new members before it does close!
Sunday we had some mega miracles! It also happened to be the toughest day for me this past week. Can't have the highs without the lows. For Lake Murray, our friend Frank came to church! He's so amazing! We had a lesson with him the day before, and he asked so many good questions. And we had two missionaries give talks! One for a farewell, and the other His homecoming. Both of their talks fit perfectly with what we shared in our lesson with Frank the day before.
Then for Gilbert, we had a returning member come! He's a sweet sweet old man who hasn't been to church for a very long time. During the opening prayer he said he already felt better on the inside, and he spent most of sacrament teary eyed. And I'll admit I did too. I felt so much joy. Watching him partake of the sacrament again and cry just made the whole week worth it. 
And!! Valerie got baptized!!! I wasn't able to go and be there. And as sad as I am about that, I know the important part is that she did. And I know I'll get the chance to see her again. 

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 126: 5-6. 
 "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 
 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him."
I'm learning that it is okay to cry. My tears stand as a testament to the love I have for these people and the Lord. I want with all of my heart for my brothers and sisters I meet out here to let Christ into their lives. To allow Him to heal them. To change them. To feel His love for them. 
Let Him in. Let Christ into your heart. Let Him heal you and bring you the peace, strength and hope you need. 
God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you
-Sister Ray
When u try to find less actives and you end up in the woods...
Slurpie meps break!
Temple w/ Sis Gibbens


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