Chapter 42: The Word

 Howdy hey everyone! 

We did lots and lots this week!! I'll pick it down to some key moments and not bore ya with it all. (Although as hard as I try to keep these relatively short.... that doesn't happen very well). 
Highlight from last p-day. We went to the lake chilled on a blanket outside and threw a frisby. Two cute little boys, who only spoke Spanish, joined us and we played frisby together for the next like 20ish minutes! It was literally so cute!!
We got to go to the last recent convert Temple night for the year on Wednesday! The Temple will be closed for the next 4-5 months because of renovations. We went with our new member friend Fabio and his family. They're so fun and kind! They took us to a yummy Korean restaurant before. 
I was hoping to see Valerie at the Temple, but she ended up super sick and couldn't go. I was really sad about it. But two tender mercies!! A recent convert from Nexton drove up the the Temple just so he could say goodbye! He's moving to the Philippines soon. And inside the Temple as I was watching the baptisms, I saw Flossie!! I didn't know she was going to be there. And let me tell you, when I saw her, I started crying. I love that woman so much. 
Most the rest of the week was contacting. Knocking on lots of doors. Very Spirit led. Sometimes we get to see the outcome, and other times we don't. On the times when we don't, I've found there's two attitudes I can have about it. One, grumble and trudge to the next door and be upset if that one doesn't also answer. Or two, know that I am doing God's will, and He's the one with the plan. So even if I don't see a lot of success from knocking on doors, I can have confidence knowing God needed me there; either to just be a reminder, or simply to test my faith and obedience.

One of my favorite things to do when studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel is to look for names of Christ. Some of them are used quite often. Master. Savior. Lamb of God, Redeemer. Other times not quite as much. Counselor. Mediator. Light of the World. Exemplar. (I could be a bit off in my recollection of how often those specific names are used, but you get the idea). 
Two of my new favorite names of Christ are, "Messenger of the Covenant", and "The Word". I love these so much. And I love putting His title of The Word in Alma 32:28. Because if we " the word,(Jesus Christ), unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart,(or in other words, if we let Him in), behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord,(if what the scriptures teach us about Christ are good- and they are- and we choose to have faith and listen to the Holy Ghost), behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts,(our faith in and knowledge of Christ-our connection with Him- will grow). 
Isn't that amazing?! There's so many other places where I've taken this name for Christ and applied it as I study. 
I know that what Alma speaks of is true. If we take time to edify ourselves spiritually, to learn about Jesus Christ and the Covenants that bind us to Him so we can return to live with the Father, our capacity to feel His presence in our lives will grow. My relationship with Christ has never been more meaningful and strong in this earth life than on my mission. And that's not just because I'm out here serving. A big big part of it is because I choose to spend time getting to know Him by reading about Him and His life. You can't have a relationship with someone you don't know. 
My invite to you this week is to study one of you favorite names of Christ. Learn of Him, let Him in, strengthen and grow your relationship with Him. You will find it will bring so much direction and peace into your life. 
I'd love to hear what your favorite name of Christ is! So if you're willing, will you message me what name and why?
God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you,
-Sister Ray
•Fabio and fam!
•Sis Bradshaw :))
•Sis Gibbens <3
•Captivating Sunset
•Lake Murray


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