Chapter 44: Seven Weeks a Day

 Y'all. This week was wack. You know how weeks seem to sometimes have a theme? Well not this week. Each day was drastically different. Lowkey, I feel like each day was its own week. So buckle in, this email might be a bit longer... Monday we had a Sisters,(plus Elder Smith), pday. We went to the Peachtree Preserve. Y'all. It was like being back in Utah!! It was this beautiful nature walk/hike! We even saw the "biggest natural waterfall on the lower half of the Mississippi"! Or something like that. Wonder of the world right there, lol. But seriously, it was so so nice to be out on a little hike. 

Aiken Sisters

Halfway through the day on Monday, we got news about a hurricane coming through South Carolina. The Assistants told all the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders to get their missionaries ready to evacuate, and/or to receive evacuated missionaries. Everyone had to pack a 72 hour bag. Then we just kinda waited to see what would end up happening. 
Well, Tuesday rolls around and, yup! Missionaries along the coast got evacuated. Sister Gibbens and I became host to the Charleston Hermanas! We were told that if it wasn't raining, we could still go out and do pross. And while most the rest of our zone was getting rained on, Sister Gibbens and I had bright skies and sunshine. We were able to have an amazing lesson with our new friend Kaden!! We taught him the whole Plan of Salvation. A member called in and beautifully explained the Atonement of Jesus Christ and Kaden said his first prayer. It was a very tender lesson and I definitely cried during his prayer. 
We had a couple more lessons//contacts we were going to visit, but I had been feeling sick all day and it was getting kinda gloomy in the sky, so we headed back home.
Wednesday we were stuck inside all day. It rained all day and was quite stormy outside. It was honestly lots of fun. We were able to do some contacting and phone lessons. We had a really good time with the Hermanas too!! Played card games, had Gospel discussions, watched the Chosen, did a puzzle and played music. I also took lots of naps. Such a strange day.
Thursday the Hermanas got the okay to head back to their area, so they left in the afternoon. And Sister Gibbens and I headed out for the day not long after. We didn't make it too far... we were driving maybe 5 minutes from our house when I literally hit a deer!!! It was shocking, tragic and totally messed up the front bumper of the car.... oops. I've also been reprimanded many times for not putting the deer in the car and using it for dinner. So next time I hit a deer, I know which members to call.
But that's not where Thursday ended. Aside from the whole deer encounter, it was a really good day. It was lots of contacting, but Sister Gibbens and I honestly felt so much joy together that day. Then we got a call from the Sister Assistants. We were getting transfered early. Sister Gibbens would be leaving and another Sister would be coming in. That was even more shocking and tragic than the deer. I had so many emotions. I did NOT want Sister Gibbens to leave. It was so sudden too. We were told we needed to transfer the very next morning at 8am. 
So Friday morning comes and we pack Sister Gibbens up and drive to the meeting point. My new companion is Sister Macowiak!! (Pronounced: Mac-coh-vee-ack). I'm sad I didn't get a full transfer with Sister Gibbens, but I adore Sister Macowiak! She is tons of fun to serve with and just be around!
I've been focusing lots on trusting God these past couple days. I feel like Nephi when he says "...I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do."
I feel lost in this area. I feel like I knew more about what was happening in Hilton Head in the first two weeks, than I do after four weeks here. I'm flying blind. That really stressed me out, but I'm working on my change of focus from me leading out the area, to God. Because it really is His area. This is His work. As long as I'm relying on Him, everything will be fine. Do I still get stressed? Anxious? Yup. But am I over anxious? Nope. Just working to be anxiously engaged and do what the Spirit guides me to do. He'll figure out the rest. Still working on it, but I'm getting better. And that's the important part. 
God Loves you, Jesus Loves you; trust Them with all your heart and will. And don't forget that I love you too. 
-Sister Ray


•Sis Gibbens packing
•Peachtree Preserve 
•final hand on head from Sister Gibbens


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