Chapter 45: Ketchup

Aye! Don't we love playing the catch up game?? (This is two weeks ago's email). So fun. I've had to hype myself up so much to write this email. I could skip it..... buuuuut this is basically my journal. And it was a pretty good week!! Super busy.

We had our last district p-day of the transfer. We did a cookout and played chair soccer. It was literally so much fun. Except for when I biffed it and totally messed up my tailbone. Walking, moving, sitting for the next couple of days was a struuuuugle. 
Tuesday Sister Macowiak and I went to MLC! (Mission Leadership Conference). It was both of our first times! Usually when there's a new stl or zl, their companion will introduce them. So it was kinda funny when we both stood up and introduced each other. 
Wednesday we had ZCM. It was so good!! We stayed up a bit later than we should have planning it, but it went so so well! I felt so much better about it than Zone Conf. Zone Conf kinda felt like a messy train wreck. But ZCM was definitely not that! All the missionaries were able to get something from it, I definitely did. 
Thursday we had exchanges with the Newberry Sisters. Sister Mackowiak had served in Newberry for 6 months at the beginning of her mission and it was a big tender mercy to her being able to go back for a day. After exchanges we spent the night at the Senior Couples apartment. Love them so much!!
Exchanges with Sister Hillyer

Friday! We had another meeting! Haha. We had a meeting with the District Leaders in the morning. And we had one of the most amazing lessons about Lehi's dream with our friends Dean and Francis. They're literally so amazing. And! They said they're coming to church!
Saturday sucked. Full honesty here. We had like 7 lessons set for that day, and all of them canceled. We got stuck in someones house for too long, then basically drove around the rest of the day trying to contact people. Halfway through the day we took a meps break and Wendy's nuggets and filled the car with gas. But the gas thing was broken, so rather than stopping when it was full it spilled over.... fun times.... we played card games at the end of the night and had a call with the District Leader, so we felt better by the end of the night. 
Also, at MLC President Hamblin extended the invitaion for us to study the 5 Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and 3 Nephi. He said that doing so with an open heart will increase our wisdom and power as missionaries. We will come to better trust and know Jesus Christ. And that we will be better to testify of the truths of His Doctrines and apply them into our lives. 
Sister Macowiak and I decided to study them together in the evenings. Best thing in the whole world. We're going through the Come Follow Me curriculum for the 4 Gospels. And we would take turns reading while the other would brush our hair. Best way to end the day. 
I want to extend this invitation to all y'all too! Read and study these 5 Gospels. I know it will strengthen your understanding of who Christ was, who He is, and your bond with Him. 
God Loves you, Jesus Loves you, I love you.
Stay tuned for email numero dos,
-Sister Ray
°pretty sunrise 

°gas station selfie 

°face mask!!


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