Chapter 46: Disney Princess

Aye!! So I totally didn't send this last week, lol.

Tuesday, (12 Sept), was one of the best days of my whole mission. Sister Mackowiak and I were invited to go to the While Knoll, (one of the Zone Leaders wards), Young Women's activity. They asked us to talk about being a missionary, preparing for a mission, and how it's blessed our lives and our families lives. We were supposed to take like 20ish minutes; we ended up talking the whole time. I love the young women so much. The Spirit in that room was tangible. One of the strongest and most clear instances on my mission where the Spirit's presence was undeniable. Sister Mackowiak and I were able to share with these young women and their leaders, the overwhelming love their Father in Heaven has for them. We talked about the Atonement, what their baptism covenants mean, and how they can be witnesses for Jesus Christ and share their faith with their friends. No body had a dry eye at the end of the night. We had a big group hug and we gave them some little pass along cards with Jesus pictures to give to their friends. Seriously one of the best nights EVER. Very few things are more important than preparing and helping the youth to be faithful covenant makers, keepers, and sharers. They are the strength of Zion. 
Thursday was an emotion haywreck. We got transfer news, and it was NOT what we were expecting. Sister Mackowiak and I were positive we were staying together. We'd only been together for two weeks, our companionship was doing amazing, the zone was thriving, and we were making so many amazing plans and working our booties off acomplishing them. And usually if you're in leadership you'll get a call about transfers. And since we didn't get one, we thought we were in the clear. So you can imagine the shock, and other emotions, that came when we open the transfer sheet and it shows Sister Mackowiak leaving. We definitely laid on the floor and cried for a hot second. There were a lot of questions going through both our minds. The Zone Leaders called us over messenger and offered us Priesthood blessings. So we met them at the church, talked a little, got blessings, and cried some more. Y'all, it was a rough day. But to make it a little better, a member owns an ADORABLE boutique and said we could come by. So we spent the next while trying on dresses and sparkly shoes and bags. Sounds super cliché, but honestly, it's what we needed. We had lots of fun trying everything on, talking with them member and taking pictures. The member let us pick out a pair of shoes, a dress, and a bag for no charge. We both got sparkly boots. 10+++/10 recommend getting u some sparkly boots when sad. 
Friday was transfers. I'm gonna be honest, we were both a bit upset about the transfer happening. Not much we can do though..... except show up in KILLER outfits!! Bright purple and pink dresses with our new sparkly boots and aviators. Did we Slay? Yes, we slayed the big boots down.  
My new companion is Sister Freeman! We actually served in the same zone down in Charleston when I first got out on the mission. AND! We both served in Nexton for three transfers. Wild! 
As for the title of my email, Sister Mackowiak kept telling everyone that I was basically a Disney Princess, and they kept agreeing with her. Then Sister Freeman came in and has also been saying the same thing. Soooooo, not to let my head get too big, buuuuuut, 😏. Dream come true. Missionary for the Lord AND a Disney Princess.
So anyways, it was a very emotionally charged week and now I need to nap and eat fruit snacks for the next week or two.
Stay safe, God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you.
-Sister Ray

Sis Freeman


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