Chapter 47: Counsels, Chastisement, and Learning

Howdy y'all! I know you just were dying to get yet another email from me. This might be a fatty one... or not, idk yet. Just started writing it. So I guess we'll find out together. How exciting!

Anyways, Monday was district pday. We got some new people in our district, and what better way to get to know each other than to do face masks and play chair soccer with them on?? Still in a Bro-strict, so that made it even better. 
Okay, funny story time. A few weeks ago, Sister Gibbens and I stop by what we thought was a less actives house. We were looking for a guy named David. Well we met David, had a good chat with him, and invited him to church. David has been coming to church for the past four weeks. And this whole time we thought he was a returning member. We find out that David is not the David we were looking for, but still presumed he was a member, so we went on a hunt for his records. And you can probably guess this one, but turns out the David we thought was a member actually has no records. Soooooo, David is now on date for baptism!! We're super excited for him and when we talked with him about it he cried and basically put himself on date. 
Wednesday and Thrursday were soooo hype!! We had a half mission conference and mlc again. We had two General Authorities come and tour the mission, talk to us and give us cousel. Elder Stanfill and Elder Corbitt came. Wow y'all. I learned so much. And I also got chastized by the Spirit. But that's good! Would have been less meaningful.
Elder Corbitt went through and broke down Alma 5:15 with us and we talked about moving forward with and eye of faith. I soaked in so so much. I've got like 10 pages of notes from the two days. 
Some things that really stuck out to me were:
•The Atonement of Jesus Christ was an act of forgiveness 
•Following the Spirit in going what Christ wants us to do is what the process of being perfected in Christ looks like
These stick out to me so much because this week has been a really rough one, and I know that in all of the amazing things said during these two days of conferences, there were specific things that fit perfectly for what I was and am going through. I went into these meetings with a humble heart and a pleading spirit. 
I invite you all to do the same and prepare yourselves for general conference this weekend. There's going to be a lot of amazing amazing things said. But pay special attention to the things that pierce to your soul. Those are the things God needs you to hear.
I am learning, that without a doubt, even if I don't feel it or recognize it in the moment that God is aware of me. Of each of His children. He has so much love, comfort, and guidance to give if we just ask Him. So ask Him. 
I love you, God loves you, Jesus loves you
-Sister Ray


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