Chapter 49: The Field is White Already to Harvest

Hey y'all! This was a busy busy week! We had two exchanges, almost back to back! And I'm going to be honest, I don't remember anything else. Hahaha..... I guess I'm getting old. I've almost reached that point in missionary time where I am old. Buuuuut, we don't gotta talk about that yet. 

Newberry Exchanges! I stayed in the area with Sister Ashby. She's amazing! The first half of our day was just contacting visits, not a whole lot of interaction with people other than their doors and questionable side glances.  
Side note time. When I first got to the mission, President Monson gave a little spiel on the verse in Doctrine and Covenants section 4 where it says, "for behold the field is white already to harvest". He talked about our puropse as missionaries, how there are people ready for the Gospel that we share, and our job is to be diligent in our efforts to find and teach them. He also talked about how everywhere else the white fields are wheat. But down here in South Carolina, the fields are white with cotton. And oh how beautiful those fields are. 
Since then I've just been hoping and hoping that I would be able to see a white cotton field while on my mission. I was really sad about it a couple weeks ago because I didn't know if I would be able to. But while we were on exchanges we literally ended in the middle of like 3 humongous cotton fields. I totally almost cried, haha. So we definitely pulled over and took pictures and just sat in awe for a little bit. 
Splits with Sister Ashby
Then back off to the work! We ended up having three amazing lessons that evening!!
Graniteville exchanges! I got to go to Graniteville with Sister Clark! I love her. She's a for real cowgirl. We had a lot of awesome lessons, and we did some finding too! The whole zone has been a little rough on finding, so it was nice just having a chance to just walk up the street and talk to people outside.  
With Sister Clark
We also forgot to text the member meal that morning and remind them. So dinner time comes, and we knock on their door, but no one is home haha. Oops. But it's okay! God had things for us to do. We had a few more real good contacts/mini lessons, then we treated ourselves to Cracker Barrell. 
Oh also!! We got bikes!! Ask and ye shall receive! That's right, you heard it! First Sisters on bikes in the mission! We're not biking all the time though, just up in the nice neighborhoods. I'm actually super excited. Lowkey something I had hoped I'd be able to experience while out here. 
This week for my personal study time, I've been going back and studying my notes from general conference. One day I read through President Eyring's talk on the Holy Ghost. It was one of my favorites. I especially love when he said "taught and guided by a series of experiences with the Holy Ghost." I love that so much! And during my study, I went through the difference of an "encounter" versus an "experience" with the Holy Ghost. 
An encounter is something casual and unexpected. Kinda just happened upon. Whereas an experience is first hand knowledge; the result of direct participation. It's purposeful. I've been thinking a lot about that distinction. It is so important to intentionally put ourselves in places where we can have converting experiences with the Holy Ghost. He is literally a member of the Godhead sent to each of us to testify, guide and sanctify-through our baptismal covenants. 
My invitation for you this week is to shift your focus, so that you can have experiences and not just encounters in the Gospel. It'll strengthen your relationship and understanding of your relationship with the Holy Ghost; as well as His role in your life.
God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you. 
-Sister Ray
P.S. We also went to a Harry Potter themed bday party. I remain a true Gryffindor!!


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