Chapter 50: Letter of the Law, Spirit of the Law and Fiber

Hi y'all! This week was a week of meetings, and it was quite long, so I'll try not to bore you with a long email. (I also just don't have it in me to write a very long one today). 

First before all the meetings, Monday we did pumpkin carving with the district! It was fun! Some of the Elders are basically pros. We also had dinner with a part member family, and they showed us a moving Christian movie. 
Tuesday started off all the meetings with mlc. It was ight. It was mostly lots of talking. Sister Freeman and I felt like it could have been more productive. We went home that night and had an epic comp study though. We broke chapter 8 of Preach My Gospel down and put together how we saw God's "goal setting and planning", then based off of that we used it as a template for how we ought to be setting goals and plans. 
Thursday and Friday we had some more meetings. We had zlc,(zone leadership council), and zcm,(everyone in the zone). They were both much more productive than mlc, at least from my perspective. I love the Aiken Zone sooooo much!! And there's so much potential! I'm excited!
Wednesday we did some biking and realized that it's a lot more complicated than we thought it would be. We'll figure it out tho. 
Saturday we went to help a recent convert, Fabio, do some painting at a building him and his family is working on. We did some painting, and it turned into a Latin dancing dance class. Literally soooooo much funnnnnn!!! 
•Latin dancing w/ Jenny and the Daniellas 
•Fabio, Jenny and Emily
Overall, we had a lot of good contacts/lessons/visits this week. And I'm super grateful this next week has no meetings so we can just grind it out!
I was reading in the New Testament doing my 5 Gospels study, and I was reading about Christ healing on the Sabbath. The pharisees get so mad because Jesus is "breaking the law". But they missed the miracle. They were so focused on the letter of the law they literally missed their Messiah standing in front of them. Christ was teaching the higher law. There's a lot we can learn and grow from as we try to live the higher law. Now I'm not saying totally disregard "the law", and definitely not saying that the spirit of the law is a loop hole, (though I've def seen it used that way). Spirit of the law is having our wills so in line with God's that we understand the reasons for "the laws" and now have the ability to live the higher law. A lesson I've been learning is to not let the things/ways of the past block me from seeing the miracles in front of me. It's a constant mindset change. And it is so good!! Don't let your past views hold you back from seeing the miracles God places before you. Life is so much better when we invite change into our lives. Definitely better than fighting the change. 
That's all for now. Have a good week!! Hope y'all are havin' a great time out in the west! It just started getting quite chilly out here..
God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you
-Sister Ray
•Zone w/raisin bran! (Pres--Dr. Hamblin came out and said we need to make sure we're taking care of our health, bowels included. So fiber for all!)
•Kay and Steve!! ♡
•spirit bottle tree
•President and his fiber


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