Chapter 51: O Remember, Remember

Hi y'all!! Will you look at that, it's been another week already. 

It was the last week of the transfer. It was a short 5 week transfer. Ripskies. Sister Freeman has moved onto Spartanburg and I stayed here. My new comp is Sister Kenison. She awesome! We literally live 5 minutes away from each other for our whole lives and never knew it!!! WILD!! We're also have very similar likes so it's gunna be a fuuuun 7 weeks.
Bye Sis Freeman!
Hello Sis Kenison!
Last pday we went with the Newberry Sisters to this cute place at the lake called "cross on Lake Murray". We painted seashells, skipped rocks, had a picnic, took pictures. All in all, it was a solid day.

Tuesday night I went to my first football game! One of our recent converts plays for a local team so we went and watched. He's def going to be a football start when he gets older. Also before the game, we had a cute lil picnic dinner! A member gave us spaghetti to go, so we took it to the Peachtree Preserve near by and set up a blanket and hung out for a bit. It was literally so so so nice.
Thursday we got transfer news. It was sad finding out Sister Freeman was leaving. But I'm glad I get to stay here. And there's not a crazy amount of meetings this transfer, so I'm mega hyped to just work like crazy and get the area going again! 
Thursday night we went to Fabio's house for dinner. And we did some more lattin dancing haha. 

Friday was transfers! It was bitter sweet. Said byw to Sister Freeman. But I got to see almost all my old comps!! Sister Macowiak, Sister Gibbens, Sister Ward, Sister Noel, and Hermana Sherlock!! They're all such blessings in my life!!
That night for dinner we went with the Reynolds family to the elementary school Spanish immersion showcase. That was lots of fun! 
This week I studied the word "remember". I read 3 Nephi 18, where Christ institutes the Sacrament. Helaman 5, Helaman speaking to his sons. And Doctrine and Covenants 4. I asked myself the question "what does God need me to remember?" as I studied. It was so good!! I also went through the dictionary and searched up the word "remember". And my favorite definition was "implies a keeping in memory that may be effortless or unwilled." I love it so much because I want remembering Christ to be so effortless that it is a part of my nature. Remembering Christ through our trials is what gets us through. Remembering Christs' Atonement helps us repent. Remembering the miracles we've seen gives hope. There is power in remembering. I invite you to read Helaman 5, look for all the times "remember" is mentioned, and ask yourself what God needs you to remember. 
I hope y'all have a most wonderful week!
Remember, God loves you; Jesus loves you; I love you.
-Sister Ray
•Sister pday! @cross at Lake Murray


•last hurrah w/ zl's

•pretty flowers


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