Chapter 52: I Am Not Roadkill

Hey y'all!! This is going to be a quick one.

Last Monday we went to a social media meeting and now we're like unofficial social media stl's too and we get to help the Elders not go crazy as they figure everything out. Haha pray for them. It's a lot of fun!! 
We went biking a couple days this week. Still figuring it all out. There's a lot of neighborhoods in the nicer part of our area, but they're all sparated either by the big road or a country road. There's also NO bike paths or lanes. And all the roads here are two lane, one going each way. With like no space on the side. It's road, rumble strip, three inches, then grass that goes into a ditch. So we spent most our time biking trying to balance between the grass and the rumble strip. Lots of prayers were said that cars wouldn't hit or clip us. Thank heavens everyone who passed by us slowed down and scooted over. 
One of the days we biked we ended up going uphill for 20+ minutes only for the person we knocked not to be home. Mega rip. But we left a Book of Mormon on someones doorstep! Ain't no way we were going to bike that long and hard for nothing.
We also went to one of the wards trunk or treats. That was lots of fun. They did a chili and cornbread cook-off. De.lish.ous!!!! Southern food is now my comfort food. That and warm brownies and icecream. 
Speaking of Halloween.... I hit my year mark as a missionary tomorrow..... ain't no way.. best year ever. I'll probs write a better email abt it next week.
Last little thought. I read Jarom in the Book of Mormon a few days ago, and it's literally one of my favorite chapters now! I read it while thinking of a friend we're teaching and got some really cool insights on having a plan and being prepared! 
Verse seven talks about how faith in the Lord helps us to withstand the forces against us. Verse nine says that being prepared helps us to defend; and that we prosper-make steady progress- as we keep the commandments. Verse eleven tells us that we need to understand the "why" for commandments and that it should all point to Christ. Finally verse twelve tells us that daily scripture study and daily repentance help us to be prepared. 
Literally epic. I LOVE the Book of Mormon.
Hope y'all are doing what you need to to be spiritually prepared! It's some of the most important work we can be doing! 
Gotta go to bed now, but remember, God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you.
-Sister Ray


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