Chapter 48: Small & Simple Love

 Hi y'all! I hope you have had a fantabulous week! 

We had an awesome miracle last week. We were talking with he Sister who taught the relief society lesson Sunday after church, and she said she wants us to start teaching her 15 year old grandson so he can get baptized! Woooot!!
We're just going to jump right into the conference spiel today! Well, almost. I've got something else I wanna talk about first. 
This week I've been making a point to focus on the ways that I feel God's love for me each day. I'll take time at the end of the day before I go to bed to one of the ways I saw His love that day. And it has been incredible. It hasn't been this big dramatic change in my life; what it has been is a reminder of the small and simple things. The times I'm reminded to fill up my water, or grab my charger. When it's been a tough day and we pull up to a house with beautiful flowers and a brilliant sunset. Even in the moments when He gently corrects me I feel His love. So this is my invitation to you this week. Each night, reflect on and write down one way you felt or saw God's love for you that day. Doing this has brought peace to my soul. I know it can do the same for you. Allow yourself to feel your Father in Heaven's love for His child. 
Conference was amazing! We watched with some sweet young families the first two sessions on Saturday. I was a bit distracted with the kids, but that okay. There's nothing wrong with the noise of children in a Gospel centered home. We also had our friend Donna come and watch with one of the families!! Saturday evening we watched with the Senior missionaries, the Smiths and the Elders. We also did face masks!!
Sunday's sessions were honestly so perfect. I had some questions I had been pondering on for a while and most all of them were answered. Some very specifically, and others I still don't know the answer for, but I have peace about them. And honestly, I think that's a lesson God is teaching me. He's teaching me to find peace even when I don't have the answers and don't understand the "whys" for some things. 
God love you, Jesus loves you, I love you. Remember the Small and Simple ways God shows His love. Find them and hold onto them.
-Sister Ray
•Coker Springs District

•Nebeker Fam and Donna

•The Phillips and Tolmans

•took a selfie on someone's phone they left outside so they would know what we looked like, lol.

•ur a lizard Harry

•face masks!!

•conference day lunch nap in the car


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