Chapter 55: Return of the Peppermint

 Hi y'all! It was such a good week this week! Definitely still had low moments, but the highs this week were worth it!

First and foremost, last Monday was buuuusy! We got up early and did some service at the bishops storehouse with the Smiths and the Elders. Then we met the Social Media Lead Elders at Palmetto Strings and I GOT A CELLO!!!
Y'all. It's been like a YEAR since I've even touched a cello. I almost cried haha. But now I have cello and I'm as happy as can be. Then we went home, did all our planning. After all that we went to Target. We were there for three hours haha. Good times. I'm excited for a chill p-day today tho. Oh also! The PEPPERMINT SHAKES AT CHICK-FIL-A ARE BACK, so ya know, we had to get some.
Tuesday we had exchanges w/ Graniteville! I went there with Sister Migliori,(millie-or-ee). She's amazing! She always teaches with a smile, and there is no way anyone can doubt the joy and light she has because of the Gospel. 
•Sis Clark, Migliori, Kenison, me
Wednesday was a really weird day. We unexchanged early in the morning so Sister Kenison and I could go to a meeting in Irmo. Then we went home for like an hour did some studies, went to Southern Blu Boutique and Chick-fil-A for lunch and you know we got us some PEPPERMINT SHAKES, left to do service, which was kinda AWKWARD. We pull up to the house and while going up the front doors we hear the couple skrait up yellin' at each other... we pretended to be just walking up the steps when they started opening the door. Haha. They had us pick up pine cones in the yard, they're an older couple, and the husband just sat in a chair and watched us... Anyways, after service we tried to have a lesson with someone but they weren't there, showed up late to our member meal, made one visit in before going home for meetings.
Thursday we got bashed... love that. It was at a members house with a friend he invited. The friend started out with some sincere questions, but it went down hill pretty fast.
Friday we knocked on a castle and got rejected, awkward for them. Our member meal had to reschedule, but they got us Chick-fil-A. PEPPERMINT SHAKES included ofc. 
Now that we've had Chick-fil-A three times this week, and pizza from members the rest of it, one of our goals this week is to eat healthier. Soooo, check back next week. 
Sunday our friend Addy and her family came to church!! They all loved it! The kids had a great time in primary and Addy and her husband enjoyed and participated in Sunday School!
I am so grateful for the Sacrament. This week was kinda hectic and exhausting. Halfway through we were both already drained. And getting bashed doesn't help. But throughout the week, I just kept thinking about Sunday and how I'd be able to take the Sacrament again. It truly is such a sacred ordinance and I am so so so grateful that I get to participate in it every week. If you haven't been in a while, please go again. If you're usually distracted during the Sacrament, take a moment to pause and connect with your Savior. I'm going to put two links at the bottom of my email, they're some of my favorite videos about the Sacrament. I hope you'll watch them.
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!! God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you!!
-Sister Ray
•Bishop Storehouse 
•Stole my phone @ Chick-fil-A 
•Sis Kenison and I
•crazy for Christmas 
(I'm pretty sure Peppermint shakes and Christmas decorations cure sadness).


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