Chapter 62: More? Always

 Hi y'all! This week was kinda long. But really good though! 

Started the week off with mlc. It was the most productive and straightforward mlc I've been to! Sister Jolley, the Elders and I did a "best practice" at mlc. We talked about weekly planning and how to most effectively follow the outlines in Preach My Gospel chapter 8. 
This week we met Addy and her family a couple of times. They have so much faith! I am just absolutely loving watching this family grow closer to Christ and the changes that this Gospel is bringing into their lives. It is just so pure! Even when they don't completely know and understand why things are certain ways, they still choose to rely on faith and trust in what the Spirit has testified of to them.
Friday was zcm! So we brought the Spiritual training we got from President Hamblin at mlc to the Aiken Zone for part of our meeting. President Hamblin's training was on Charity. And y'all. It was so good! At first, I admit, I wasn't super excited. I was lowkey hoping I guess for something "new". I've had lots and lots of discussions on Charity on my mission. Don't worry, I was humbled and I learned a LOT. One of the biggest takeaways is that we cannot have Charity without having Faith. Charity goes beyond the physical and temporal aspect of love. Charity is deep rooted in the eternal. Charity is having an eternal perspective while loving and caring for those around us with that perspective. President Hamblin said that "without charity our covenants are not being fulfilled". 
I am so grateful for all the moments when Heavenly Father sees fit to teach me even more about something that I feel I've already learned enough about. Because I'm always wrong in that thinking. And that is the best thing! Something my mission has and is teaching me is I always always always have more to learn. And that is a beautiful thing. 

Also, Saturday was Sister Jolley's bday!!! She's an absolute Kahweeeen!!! I love her so much! 
I hooe y'all have a most fabulous week! Stay safe! And don't ever forget God loves you. Jesus loves you. I love you.
-Sister Ray
•mlc- Sis Jolley, Elder Twiss and Elder Black
•Sis Jolley and I

•face masks w/ the Elders while we planned zcm. (We were at the Senior couple's house).


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