Chapter 64: Give Me That Horizon. There's Baby Mountains!

Hi y'all!!! It's been a crazy crazy week! 

Last Monday we drove halfway across the State. We had to go to Columbia to return the cello. Big sad. Then we went a little ways up to Irmo so we could go to Palmetto Moon. I got some cute hoodies! Then we had district pday out in North Augusta. And from Columbia/Irmo to NA is about half the state, just a bit under haha. Oops. It was a good district pday though! We had an epic nerf war in the church. Played capture the flag and protect the president, then we went to a park for a little bit! 

Tuesday was dcm! It was the last dcm of the transfer. We all went to Freddy's for lunch and signed airplane journals. So fun!!
Wednesday was cram time! We did soooooo much planning and texting for the baptisms on Saturday. The ward is literally so amazing!!! They helped us get everything figured out and reached out to the ward so there would be people at the baptism!! We also went to Fabio's with the Elders for dinner! Love all of them so much!
Thursday was transfer news. I was so anxious all week, but I did my best not to think about it and to instead make sure we got the baptism all planned and the rest of the area taken care of. I was also trying to convince myself that I could stay for another transfer. We didn't get a phone call from President and when the transfer sheet dropped my name wasn't on there! I thought I was staying! I cried happy tears because that meant I would stay for Brayton and Keatyn's baptism, and I'd get to be with Sis Jolley again!! 
But as we were looking more we saw a different Sister's name next to Sister Jolley's in our area.... I was confused and stressed and upset. We ended up texting the AP's, and they said they had forgotten to put me on there. Rude.
They said I was going to Greenville East with Sister Abernathy. Anyways, after lots of crying we spent the day going to say goodbye to members. It was sad. I's spent 6 months in the area! That's a third of my mission! And this is most likely my last area.... still trying to process that.
We also had Brayton and Keatyn's baptism interviews, so I got to say goodbye to them too. I love that family with my whole heart! I'm definitely coming back to visit them and the members. 
(She got to watch their baptism via zoom)
That evening we went to the Smith's with Elder Twiss and Elder Black to have one last ice cream at the Smith's. I'm definitely going to miss them all very much.
Friday was transfers! I got a blessing that morning before we went to Irmo. I was feeling so nervous before and I honestly wasn't super happy to be leaving. But during my blessing all my worries went away. I know I'm supposed to be here in Greenville. And especially that I'm supposed to be here with Sister Abernathy. 
I love her so much!! 
It's hard to adjust to the area and the new ward and zone. But knowing God called me here for a very specific reason has been helping a lot. 
Sometimes things we really wish and pray wouldn't happen do. And all we can do in these circumstances is choose how we react. 
It's hard. I have to actively choose to focus on my purpose. I am here to invite others to come unto Christ. And He needs me here to do that. So I hold on with hope that I'll be able to see those reasons daily. I will go and do, just like Nephi, and follow the Lord's commands. 
Always remember God loves you, Jesus loves you, I love you.
-Sister Ray 
Bye Sister Jolley!

Elder Black
Elder Twiss
Sis Ward and I share custody of the blender. It's her turn.
Hello Sister Abernathy!


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