Chapter 65: X-Rays, Rain, Fridge, Rain, Chaplain, Rain

Hi y'all! First full week in Sparty!! And it was a busy one! 

Monday we went to the chiropractor! I'm literally so excited for this! I didn't get adjusted that time around, he just did an evaluation and took some x-rays. My spine fs needs some help. Our fridge also started dying, so we had to put our food into a tote and put it outside for the night to keep everything cold because it was absolutely FRIGID. #missionarylife 
Tuesday we had seminary! So we got up extra early to get ready and be there by 6. After seminary, we had about an hour and a half before we needed to start our studies, and because we were already ready for the day we took a nap. Moved one of the foyer couches to the other foyer so that we each had a couch; set an alarm and hunkered down. It was kinda nice, kinda not. The church building was freezing and we couldn't get the heaters to work, so it's a good thing we had brought blankets with us. Then we had dcm that day too! 
Wednesday was a jank day. We had a meeting with the zone leaders and district leaders that morning. So we made our way back to the church and were there until early afternoon. Then we had a lesson with a recent convert before we had to head back to our apartment to watch for our new fridge to come. The time frame they gave us was 4pm-8pm. Ack!! We aint got time fo dat! But thank goodness the fridge came at a reasonable time and we were able to make it to the young woman's activity! 
Thursday I spent all of lunch restringing and tuning the cello I got from a member. It was fetchin hard. But I did it!! And now I have a cello again!! 
We also did some service at a free healthcare clinic. A member in our ward volunteers there and is the Chaplain. It's really cool. The place is called Saint Luke's, if I remember correctly. It used to be one of the first hospitals in Spartanburg back in the early 1900's. We got to wear some white coats that said "Chaplain" on them, and the member called us his happy chaplain bees cause we just followed him around smiling, haha. But we plan to go back at least once a week to help out there. It'll be a really cool opportunity. 
Friday we were on exchanges. It was fun! I stayed in the area and Sister Booker joined me here! It was a good exchange. We set up a lot of finds for this next week. 
And this whole week it pretty much rained. Im absolutely not opposed to the rain, but I am ready for some sunshine. This week felt like absolute AAAAAGES. 
But my two favorite parts were dancing in the rain with Sister Abes and doing Come Follow Me with the Sisters in the zone. It was so good!! I haven't been super into Come Follow Me, but I'm now repenting! It is such a good tool. The study guides and prompts are inspired and allow for so much personal revelation while still giving direction. Definitely going to try focusing on it more. And that's my challenge/invitation for y'all this week. Do your cfm studies!! Get you highlighters, your journal, a snack and study your scriptures! 
Always remember, God loves you, Jesus loves you and I love you!
-Sis Ray

•pretty scenery 
•a member and her kids made us lunch sacks
•Sis Abes and I after standing in the rain
•driving in dah rain. I'm a pro at splashing puddles.


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