Chapter 6: "Thank God for God!"

 Hi y'all!!

This week has lowkey been crazy. 
We actually had quite a handful of lessons fall through at the start of the week, and our finding ate dirt this week. But that gave us an opportunity to talk to lots of awesome people as we did a little street contacting. Saturday and Sunday though, we found three new people who we're really confident in!! We've already had a lesson with one of them! It was so good! We followed a trail of "bings" to find her. And y'all! She's already one of my favorite people! Her name is Mary Lou and she's originally from the Philippines. We found her on Saturday and set up a time to come visit with her on Sunday. It was such a good lesson! Her sister is actually a member. We helped her download the Book of Mormon in Tagalog on her phone. She is so sweet and already has a great understanding of God and Christ and wants to learn more!!
Also, did not expect to do so much doorbell ditching. But it's fun, I haven't tripped yet! 
And in some places, when we knock on some people's doors they always shout "WHO", and try to sound intimidating. It's really awkward when they don't hear us respond and shout "WHO" like 3 more times before opening the door. Haven't had anyone slam a door in our faces though, so that's nice.
There's like NO sidewalks anywhere here! You know you're in a boujee neighborhood when there's a sidewalk on ONE side.
We did splits yesterday. All of the houses we planned on going by didn't answer. But we felt prompted to knock on these inactive members. They had the BEST Christmas decorations! And they were so kind!! Hopefully we can get them coming to church again.
One of our lessons was with a part member family. We're teaching one of the kids. I just love this family! The mom made us all Christmas shirts and we did gingerbread houses with them, but with pop tarts! And on our way out she gave us this big bag of snacks she bought us. She's so amazing! I'm so grateful to have met her and her family!

Zone Conference was a couple days ago. That was so fun! I got to see Sister Harvey again! That was a blessing! I love her! We did like two little trainings and the rest we just sang Christmas songs, ate food, and had a talent show. Sister Monson turned us all into a choir and we sang a beautiful arrangement of "Angels we have heard on high". AND the Monson's sang to us!! They're fr so good at singing!
We also had the ward Christmas party Saturday night. That was great. Lots of good food, and my Comps and I gave a lil devotional at the beginning. We talked about how Christ is the greatest gift and how He is Christmas. I know that as I've worked to grow closer to Christ and build my relationship with Him, I've been able to find so much Joy. Especially during Christmas, there's something really special about Christmas and I know now that it's the Light and Joy of Christ.
A lot of our lessons this week we've focused on the plain and simple truths found in the scriptures. I've been re-reading the Book of Mormon, (I finally just finished Alma!!), and I've just been able to understand the stories better. My appreciation for the Book of Mormon has grown so much these past few weeks, and my testimony of it too. 
I invite you as you read the Book of Mormon this next week to look for and write down the simple truths you learn.
We set weekly goals at the start of each week, and last week my goal was to recognize/acknowledged the growth I've already made. Still working on that. It's my goal again this week. But I have noticed how much more intune with the Spirit I am. I have definitely seen Him guide me as I talk and testify. It's amazing how sometimes you don't know something is a part of your testimony until you share it.
One last thing, my email topic. We had a lesson with sweet Flossie again. Her baptism is this week!! Please keep her in your prayers!🙏
But anyways! All our lessons with her are fabulous, and she says some funny things. This lesson we were reading the Book of Mormon with her, and talking about how God has blessed us and given us guidance and she says "Oh thank God for God!" I love her. XD

Here's my final thought. I know God loves each of you, I know that Christ is my Savior and my reason to be on a mission. And I invite you to read Matthew 16: 15-18 and think about what your answer to the question would be. Who is Christ? Who is He to you?
I love you all.
-Sister Ray
Questionable fortune

Zone Conference 

Captain America

Bucket o' barbies


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