Chapter 11: Zone Conference and Sunday

It's been another week! Going to be honest, I don't remember most of it. Actually, I don't remember any of it except Zone Conference and Sunday, so that's what you'll hear about! 

But first, gotta tell you about last p-day! It was fun! Suuuuuper busy. Weekly planning took a hot second longer than usual, followed with cleaning and shopping. And! Our sweet 9 year old friend Kaitlin had her baptism interview on Monday. It was the only day her dad had off of work. The Elders are absolutely amazing and came to the church for her interview. After that, my comps and I had plans to go somewhere, but we didn't have enough daylight left, so we went to this cute nearby park and took some pictures.
(Sis Allred, Sis Ray, Sis Jones)

Zone Conference!! Wow!! It was so so so so good!! I LOVE it! And I love President and Sister Monson. They're amazing. We received a lot of revelation for our area, and I'm super stoked. We did roleplays for like a solid two-ish hours while President did interviews. They were really good and very helpful! Our focus as a Zone is making sure we ask for member referrals. Especially from less actives. 
President Monson gave a really good training on some new things in area book and on baptism. I definitely needed that. He gave us some really helpful Bible scriptures that talk about the laying on of hands for receiving the Holy Ghost. Baptism is not complete without it. It is necessary for man to be baptized both by immersion in water and by the Spirit. When I first came out I wasn't super into focusing on baptism. And I think that's because, a), I didn't want to make it a number game. And b), I didn't really register how important baptism is. When someone is baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it's so that they can open the gate that leads to eternal life. They're not joining a club, they are deciding to follow Jesus Christ and do everything they can to live with God again. So why not? Why not invite all to be baptized when the Spirit directs it's time to? Why not invite them to follow Christ, and allow Him to ease their burdens? I can't quite put into words all my thoughts on this, so I'll leave it at this: I know that it is only through baptism of water and of the Spirit, by proper Priesthood authority, that we can enter into the Kingdom of God. The straight and narrow path is because it is the only path. 

Front: Elders: Perkins, Boud, Panter, Schlerf, Pugh, Rapier, Hillesheim, Twiss
Middle: Sister Allred, Sister Jayden Ray, Sister Jones, Sister Carter, Sister Myers, President Chris Monson, Sister Sherlock, Sister Knutson, Hermana Flamm, Hermana Davis, Sister Frazier, Elder Frazier, Sister Huff
Back: Elders: Knowton,  Ruff, Honn, Johnsen, Atherley, Kelly, Wilhelmson, Miller, Mumford, Clements,  Hancock,Armstrong
Okay, I lied. I remember Saturday as well. Kaitlin got baptized!!!! It was beautiful!! Her dad gave the talk on baptism and everyone was crying. Also!! My Entire District had a baptism on Saturday! We were able to go to the baptism in the Elders' district! It was so good too!! #1district1day3baptisms #Sum1sgettingbaptizedville

(Kaitlin's rainbow cupcakes.  Pic of her baptism day coming soon! )

Okay! Before I get to Sunday! Here's a few random things! 
I had a bold moment where I got a bing to talk to this couple in their parked truck. Kinda scary. But I walked up and waved and they were so so happy to talk with us and we referred them to the missionaries where they actually lived.
People don't pronounce "t" in some words. Ex: Struggle--> Skruggle, Stressed--> Skressed
30% of people I've met here have had a stroke. Like seriously. So many people.
Driving is stressful. Sometimes there are no road lines and it's a big old guessing game. Especially at night. 
(Jesus take the wheel!!)

Okay! SUNDAY. Sunday was EPIC. So many miracles. Miracle #1! This was the first Sacrament meeting out of the MTC where I didn't feel stressed. Which SUCKS, because it's literally the sacrament. Sundays have been a real struggle for me. But this one was so good!! I felt very light and happy!
And! Flossie walked to church because she was late for her ride, but she still came! And our friends Lewis and Gail!!
Miracle #2! We went to a members apartment we hadn't been to before to meet the member, they didn't live there but the people who did were super happy to talk to us and really interested in coming to church! 
Miracles #3! We went to Another apartment of a member we hadn't met before. In the car I saw these two YSA age guys grabbing groceries and had the bing that we needed to talk to them. But by the time we got out of the car after praying and grabbing our things we were only able to catch them long enough to say hi. So we went to the members door, and GUESS WHO ANSWERED!!!! Literally the bing guys!!! The one we talked to said he'd been looking for a church for 5 months and said we came at the perfect time! We exchanged numbers and said we'd help him get in contact with the YSA (Young Single Adult) Elders. We're literally so pumped for him!!
Miracle #4! We went to go visit our friends Leigh Ellen and Ricky, and THEY KNOW GRACELYNN. (Another friend we're teaching.) Gracelynn is best friends with Leigh Ellen's daughter. They were talking and now they all want to be baptized together!!! GOD IS GOOD!!! 
I love y'all so much! And I'm running out of time, so I'll end with this. Miracles come after deep struggle. But miracles ALWAYS come. Big and small. And sometimes they come in the midst of trials. Take note of them and make sure to thank God for them. I know He is aware of you each individually and loves you so perfectly. 
Keep hoping! Keep shining! Stand strong!
Love, Sister Ray.
(Sis Allred, Sis Ray, Sis Jones)

Hodge Podge meal
Three Tier Plank


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