Chapter 17: "We're in the Rapture!" Debra

Well howdiddy my friends! It's been a whole 'nother week! What a week it's been. Mostly slow. But really good.

Sis Ray & Sis Sherlock

Monday Sister Sherlock, the Hermana's and I went and got poke bowls and thrifting. 8/10 recommend the poke bowls. 1/10 for thrifting. Thrifting is not my thing. I'd rather just go shopping shopping. But also, it was late and we went to "the bins" at goodwill. So maybe I'll try it again. Idk though, sifting through piles of unwashed everythings, not really looking for anything specific and just hoping you find something you like that'll fit just really isn't a vibe for me. I did spend most our time there looking at the books. 

Tuesday we had a little fhe (Family Home Evening) book of Mormon read with Ivan, one of our recent converts. (He's literally so precious). He got all his roommates out and we had a fun little fhe with them. Probably about 75% of the lesson was in Spanish because all His roommates speak Spanish, haha. It was a lot of fun though! And I definitely need to practice my Spanish skills. 
Wednesday we put our friend Joseph back on date for baptism!!! Wooot!!! 
John, Sis Sherlock, Joseph, me

Friday we met Debra. She's a suuuuper intense retired firefighter. We got a bing to knock on her door, and asked if we could share a message about Jesus Christ with her. She was sooo down to talk. Literally. She taaaaaalked. And waved her hands all over the place. I almost got hit a couple of times haha. She's definitely got a strong love of God and Jesus. We were going to read a book of Mormon verse with her, but she talked for a solid 45 minutes, so we just marked the passage and gave her the book and our number. She was very grateful and said she was Absolutely going to read! 
Saturday and Sunday we had Stake Conference. It was really good! The Stake presidency changed, so we had an area authority come and talk. It was Elder Shayne M. Bowen. He's pretty cool. He talked a lot about missionary work! Sister Sherlock and I got to shake his hand and talk to him a little bit afterwards on Sunday.  
Don't worry, I do know my days of the week, just gotta save this one for last because, 
THURSDAY WAS LITERALLY SO GOOD. We had Zone Conference. I love President and Sister Monson. I love the Charleston Zone. I am so grateful to still be in this area. We had so many good roleplays, and President gave such an amazing workshop on the Atonement. Specifically how we can apply the Atonement in our lives when we haven't made a serious sin. He used the term "through the enabling power of the Atonement" and shared some scriptures that went along with it. I am very grateful that I'm able to access strength, peace, comfort, and grace all through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. The relationship we have with Him is the most important one we could ever have. Because it is through Him and with Him that we can have hope, joy and eternal life. I invite all of you to do one thing this week to strengthen that relationship. To allow Christ to not just carry your burdens for you, but to carry you through your trials. I know He will. 
Charleston Zone 

I love being a missionary. I love Jesus Christ. I love my Heavenly Father. I will do anything they ask of me. Hard, simple, big, little. I know that I can accomplish whatever He places in front of me. "for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." (1 Nephi 3:7).
I know God will do the same for you. Rely on Him and turn to Him in prayer in all that you do, and He will be there for you.
I love y'all, Jesus loves y'all, your Heavenly Father loves you. 
-Sister Ray
More Pics: These are from the end of last transfer. Managed to get them from another missionary.
Leigh Ellen!!

Sis Jones, Gail, Lewis, Sis Ray, Sis Allred up front!

Ralph, Veron, Sis Jones, Gracelynn, Leigh Ellen, Ricky, Sis Ray, Sis Allred up front!

Sis Jones, Sis Ray, Dennis, Sis Allred


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