Chapter 53: Rest

Hi y'all! I was mega sicky all this week, so not a whole ton to report on from throughout the week, but Monday and Tuesday were pretty good!

Tuesday was Halloween, in case you missed it. ALSO! Even better than Halloween! My one year mark!! Best year ever. The relationship I've grown with my Savior is one of the most precious things I have. 
Because it was Halloween, we had a 6:30 curfew. But that's okay! We joined early morning seminary, had an !amazing!! dcm, and a mission wide pumpkin carving contest when curfew hit. Sister Kenison and I also did lots and lots of cooking and baking!! Such a good time. 
Wednesday the sick hit me big time. We had virtual meetings for the first half of the day, up until 2pm. I slept the rest of the day. 
Thursday, Friday and Saturday I did a lot of sleeping too. We had a lesson with our friend Shavickie, Tara, and our new friend Heather. I took lots of Dayquil. We did lots of going between a few hours pros and a few hours resting. Sister Kenison is a saint!! I love her so much.
One of the days while I was napping Sister Kenison started decorating the apartment for Christmas. That was such a happy thing to wake up too. 😊 Don't worry, I'm not forgetting about Thanksgiving. We just needed a meps boost of Christmas deco. 
Spiritual plug for the week. There is such a thing as righteous rest. My companion taught me that this week. It is okay to take time to rest and recover. And it's not something to feel guilty for. So take time this week and make sure you rest. In case you're lost on what to do here's some ideas: Physically- take a nap, stretch. Spiritually- listen to some chill music (gospel related or not), read the scriptures. Mentally- meditate, music that makes you happy. Emotionally- laugh, eat a little chocolate. 
God loves you and wants you to take care of yourself. So do it. Jesus loves you. And I love you too.
-Sister Ray
•last pday 
•heart attacking the Elders cars
•pumpkin carving! We had only 1 hour to get it all done!
•face masks
•ridiculous amount of dishes
•more cotton fields!
•picnic lunch at somewhere w/ lots of food trucks


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